Just a Little Game- Part 3

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The next day, Steve was definitely not looking forward to working with Robin. She was just going to badger him all day about Rilynne and he just didn't want to talk about it.

"Hi." Dustin said smiling to Robin as if she was supposed to know who he was.

"Hi." She said back oblivious to who he was and what his relationship with Steve was.

"I'm Dustin." He added hoping that it would all click and fall into place.

"I'm Robin." She replied still entertaining the conversations curious as to what he wanted.

"Pleasure to meet you. Uh, is— is he here?" Dustin asked thinking she knew, he was talking about Steve.

"Is who here?" Robin questioned confused.

Steve burst out from the back noticing Dustin right away, turning his fowl mood better.

"Henderson!" He said happily. "Henderson, he's back!"

"I'm back!" Dustin cheers, finally he was being properly welcomed. "You got the job!" He was excited for him. Steve's first job.

"I got the job!"

"How many children are you friends with?" Robin asked both amused and concerned.

Steve didn't say anything.

"So, you wanna catch me up on what happened with my sister?" The young Henderson queried. If his sister spent all summer babysitting and playing D&D with his friends, that meant she wasn't hanging out and sucking face with Harrington and he wanted to know why. (To be clear he didn't want to know why they weren't sucking face, he wanted to know what Steve did).

"No way!" Robin stated elated, "The girl is his sister!" She had put two and two together quite easily.

Steve waved her away and walked away to a booth outside the ice cream shop.

Steve just looked at Dustin blankly not knowing what to say, how to say it or when.

"Yeah I'm not Ry, you can't just look at me like that." Dustin explained. "How'd you mess it up? I was gone a month!"

"Why do you think it was all me?"

"It's Rilynne, dude." That was all answer that either of them needed. It was true, Ry was exquisite, there was nothing she could do that would put her in any realm where Steve didn't want her.

"Did she say anything to you?"

"No, she didn't even mention you. Will told me she spent the summer hanging out with them. So, why wasn't she with you?"

The easy answer was that he was an idiot.

"We just, grew apart."

"Unacceptable answer but we don't have time for this right now. You both better grow back together because..." he paused and hushed his tone, "we intercepted a secret Russian communication."

Steve didn't get it.

Dustin said it again.

Harrington is deaf.

Saying it much louder this time, "we intercepted a secret Russian communication!"

"Geez, yeah, that's what I thought you said. How?" He hushed him.

"I was trying to talk to my girlfriend..."

"Wait, girlfriend?"

"Yeah, Steve, I know you're currently unfamiliar with what that is but we can't go over that right now."

Just a Little Game- Steve Harrington x OC Henderson!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now