Just a Little Game- Part 4

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Walking into Scoops Ahoy you were absolutely stunned. No one was around, not a single customer nor were Steve, Robin or your brother. You heard muffled conversation in the back and headed there still trying to cool off from the residual middle school burn you just saw.

"Harrington," you beckoned, "I'd like to be waited on." The tone in your voice and the way you said his last name made him gulp nervously.

Steve looked to Dustin and Dustin looked at him with wide eyes.

"Dude, just go." Dustin tried pushing out the door.

"She's pissed at me." Steve almost whined, "Robin, you go." He offered up.

"Umm, no. She requested you and I wanna sit back here and listen to everything she has to say." Robin smirked happily a mischievous smirk dancing on her lips.

With one last hopeless look at the younger Henderson he walked through the back door to the front counter.

Rilynne looked beautiful in a nice summer dress holding a bag with what he assumed was clothing.

"Went shopping?" He inquired lightly unsure of how to play it.

You nodded, "I was looking for a reason to forgive you, didn't find one."

"Rilynne, I..."

"I don't care Steve, you let me sit there all night alone."

"I know and I..."

"Do you know how far I had to walk because I couldn't call anyone to pick me up?"

"You walked all the way home?" He didn't know that, he felt even worse.

"You never called me or even bothered to explain why." You were pissed now.

"I wanted to." Steve explained in a whisper.

"But you didn't. Instead you have, unsuccessfully, been trying to get with other girls." You retorted hotly.

"I can explain," he tried to get the words out but you wouldn't let him.

"Dustin," you said cutting him off, uninterested in what he had to say.

"Yeah?" Your brother questioned very gently. He didn't want to be on your bad side right now.

Dustin and Robin both came out from the back slowly.

"I think El and Mike just broke up." You said still stunned from earlier. You were done talking to Steve.

"No they didn't!" Steve said truly invested. Seemingly more invested than he was in your relationship. 

"Oh, so you're saying another couple that was together when I left is not together now that I'm home?" Dustin asked.

Oh boy. Here we go.

You needed to sit for this.

"Dustin we could be uncoding a Russian message, you really want to do this right now?" You asked, looking at Steve almost pleading with him to stop her brother's meddling.

"She's got a point, dude."

"No, no, no, you don't get to be all Buddy-Buddy now. I asked you relentlessly for 2 hours." To say the least he was done waiting. "Besides, the tension, the longing gazes and awkward silences will slowly kill all of us around you." Dustin stated with an eye roll.

"2 hours, huh?" You asked Steve.

He said nothing.

"Off to a great start Buddy." Robin encouraged him sarcastically. "You might as well just destroy him again. He's used to it." She explained to you amused and hopeful.

"There isn't much left to say, I'm sure you heard it all." You said, ready to move on.

"You stood her up?" Robin and Dustin said in sheer shock together.

"Ry..." he said softly.

"Don't, there's nothing you can say right now that can fix it." The tears were dried, your voice didn't waver. You had practiced this conversation over and over again, you were numb to it at this point.

"Let's just translate this." Rilynne said obviously annoyed.

Just a Little Game- Steve Harrington x OC Henderson!ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin