Just a Little Game- Part 7

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"What do you think is in there?" Steve asked.

"Guns? Bombs? Chemical weapons? Whatever it is, they're armed to the teeth." Dustin explained.

"Hey, what's in there?" Robin asked.

"Just more boxes."

"Let me check." Robin said grabbing for the binoculars.

"No, I'm still looking."  Steve says. 

"Lemme see it."

"Hang on."

And then suddenly we were watching the binoculars plummet to the ground.

"Duck." Dustin said.

"I think we found our Russians." You said quietly.


We made it back inside the mall quickly.

"That was really close." Dustin said as we squeezed through the back of Scoops Ahoy.

"Yeah it was, but umm, Steve." You said hushing your voice as you said his name.

He nodded and looked at down at you,  "yeah?"

"This is really close." You point to your bodies squished in between the narrow passageway.

He laughed, "right, sorry." Steve whispered as he started to move away.

You looked to see that Dustin and Robin had made it back into Scoops Ahoy, leaving the two of you alone back there.

"I wasn't complaining." You told him with a smirk, "before we decide to do something probably dangerous, I want to ask you to do something for me."

A wide smirk formed on Steve Harrington's lips as as he looked at you hungrily, "Right here?"

"Steve..." you sighed.

"Okay, what is it?"

"When something goes wrong or either of us get scared, let's turn it into a game." She was very worried that the trauma would consume her if she was put into another situation with the Upside Down.

Steve looked at you a little confused so you explained, "If we can take ourselves out of the moment and make it feel like we're pretending it might make it easier to get through."

"So, you want me to pretend like we're just pieces in a game, trying to win. No death, no monsters , just us playing a game?"

You nodded.

"Yeah, of course I can do that." Steve explained more than happy to do anything that would make going through this easier for you.

"Thank you." You whispered as you fingers ran through his hair pulling him closer and closer to your lips.

"You guys can make out later, get inside." Dustin yelled from the back door.

"That little shit." Steve exhaled pulling away from you.

You laughed but you were disappointed too. Kissing Steve was like watching the rain fall after a hot summer's day.

You outwardly groaned as you followed behind him.

Steve smirked, "Miss my lips?" He questioned cockily.

"Don't jump down that rabbit hole Steve Harrington." You chided.

"Oh? Why not?" He was feeling very good about himself right now.

"Because I'm not the only one not getting what I want." You whispered as a kiss just barely grazed the skin on his neck causing a shiver to run down his spine.

Steve gently grabbed your wrist the moment they both made it to the back room of Scoops Ahoy and spun you into him.

"Not fair," he started, "He's your brother."

"Harrington, I'm not kidding, get off my sister."

"Ah yes, but apparently he's chaperoning us." You laughed as you went to the front counter.

"Dust we better get home," you told him tired and ready to leave. "Oh no."

"Are you okay?" Steve and Dustin asked simultaneously.

"I didn't go to work today. I'm going to get fired."

"Ry, they're not going to fire you." Steve tried to comfort you, "you're literally the only reason that coffee place is still open."

"Yeah, the coffee is bad, the donuts are stale, and everyone else that works there sucks."

"But there's a ton of people getting coffee there." Robin stated.

"Ever notice that it's a line of guys?" Dustin asked her.

Robin looked at Steve, "My girlfriend is hot, what can I say?"

"Which I am still shocked that she is your girlfriend."

"We better go, I'm sure we have a lot to figure out tomorrow so we should get some sleep." And with that you all went home.

Just a Little Game- Steve Harrington x OC Henderson!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now