Day 9-16

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On Day 9, I woke up to find Joseph somehow alive and digging up his grave I asked how this was possible and he didn't answer. So we just ignored the fact that he was alive once again and continued building our house and together we finished it along with Roasted and Roastina giving birth to 3 little chicks. We then finished the outside of the house and planned to work on the interior unfortunately it got dark and we had to go to sleep.

On Day 10, me and Joseph decided to go adventuring but before we did we saw a wolf and its child and since I already had 3 dogs and a lot of chickens I let him tame it. We then started getting ready for adventuring when I got stuck in a ravine and it got night time so Joe and his dog were attacked by another skeleton however his dog helped him defeat it he named the dog Snowy by the way. We then got home only to be attacked by hordes of mobs I nearly died unfortunately Joseph and his dog actually died however I couldn't get to his stuff to bury it because a bunch of mobs were surrounding it. I then went inside the house however I was to horrified by all the monsters around my house that I couldn't sleep. I went out and killed some at the cost of 2 chickens Boiled Egg and Nugget, then another guy named Bros collected Joseph's stuff and came inside the house.

On Day 11 me and Bros got to know each other, he's apparently an animal lover like me I asled started mining things and killing other monsters. Bros even saw one coming towards him and it had a golden helmet on low durability which he gifted to me I went into the same ravine I got stuck in yesterday however this time I was more careful I was somehow attacked by a burning zombie but managed to escape the ravine at night. I also killed some other mobs near our house and went inside and Bros told me that one of the chickens nearly escaped but he lured it back with seeds. He also dyed 2 of the dogs colors so we can tell the 3 apart blue=Steve, purple=Stephanie, and red=Steve Junior.

On Day 12, I woke up to finds that Bros went outside to go get himself a puppy. I then went outside and started killing some animals and farming and got some good food including the ingredients to get bread. Since the hordes and hordes of monsters that came there were now only 2 villagers in the village a nitwit named Gloria and a mason named Albert. Albert told me he had a crush on Gloria so I gave him some potatoes and to go talk to her however it was night time and Albert got to nervous and rushed off to bed and so did I along with most likely Bros and his pet.

On Day 13, I woke up and started farming again and killing animals I also gave the villagers more food to get their love life going. I then decided to tame that cat and went into the ocean however I am bad at hunting while underwater I only managed to get 2 fish and when I came back there were 2 cats however I could only tame one of them. Then it got dark and I killed 2 zombies and brought my cat home before calling it a night.

On Day 14, I woke up and decided to tame the other cat and in doing so killed some fish. However this cat was more difficult to tame as unlike the other cat it kept running away eventually though I killed it. Then I got more fish and Susan (my first cat) and Teddy (my second cat) mate creating their son that I named Ted Ted. Then me and Bros did some playful fighting which is dog Snowy II that he named after Joseph's original dog misinterpreted as us actually fighting and attacked me. Then after that it got dark so Bros went to cook some food while I went to bed.

On Day 15, I got up and decided to go mining as we only had 3 iron ingots unfortunately all I got from this mining experience was more stone and a near death experience I then came back and crafted myself a new stone pickaxe. Then I went outside and saw a stray dog however Bros wanted to tame him due to me already having 3 dogs and him only having one so I made him a bet that he would keep it if he could tame the dog with 1 bone. I did this because I really wanted the dog so I gave him the bone and surprisingly he tamed the dog with one bone which made me slightly mad then I went inside and went to bed.

On Day 16, I got up and went down in the deep dark cave however I also saw the beauty of this cave until several monsters that lived there tried to kill me. Then I decided to build a second floor on the house to surprise Bros however I got distracted and instead of actually building the house I just chopped down trees until it was time to go to bed.

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