Diagnosis 49: Scar Revision

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A scar revision is a procedure done on a scar to alter the appearance of the scar. The revision may improve the cosmetic appearance of the scar, restore function to a part of the body that may have been restricted by the scar, or improve an itchy scar.


Is he trying to drive me crazy? He managed to shut all my coherent thoughts with just one word, like a lunatic. Since he dropped that freaking word, I've been revisiting that moment in my head, as if there's more to it than what he intended for it to convey.

Aiden, I swear to God if you're trying to play me again I'm going to murder you with my bare hands this time.

Sighing, I take a spoon from the plastic cup holder beside the plate rack and forcefully place it in my cup while staring at the closed bathroom door. Aiden is inside, taking a shower. I'm hoping my scowl reaches him and slaps his soul out of his body so we can finally be on equal footing. Because we nearly caused everyone a heart attack, our party decided to head home the soon we returned to our headquarters after being lost. Now I'm waiting for the water to boil so that I can drink some hot tea to ease my anxieties.


Ugh! Why does that even bother me so much?! Nakakainis na, hindi na talaga nakakatuwa. And why is it taking a millennium for the water to boil? I double-check the pot. The water appears to be calmer than I am. It hasn't even begun to bubble! I frown and let my gaze wander to the shelves in front of me to kill time because I don't know what else to do. I notice a glass container containing sugar. Okay, I think I'll have some sweet tea tonight. I get the container on my tiptoes and try to open it. The lid does not even budge. I give it another shot, but it's still too tight. Gosh. The universe is pushing me to my limits. I'm done. This sugar is the last straw for me today. With a dirty look, I put it down on the sink but the container is taken from my grasp before it can even touch the surface, and the heat of his presence causes me to lose muscle control of my body.

I gasp when I feel his front presses against my back.

"Why are you getting mad at an inanimate object?" He asks in a low tone as he opens the lid with ease like I didn't struggle with it a few seconds ago.

"Who says I'm mad?" I ask back instead of answering him. Snatching the treacherous sugar from his hand, I place it back on the kitchen sink and get the spoon from my cup without looking at him. He's still pressed against my back.

I'm not making an effort to break the contact, and neither is he.

"Do you want a cup of tea?" I ask, my voice hitching when he leans over even more.

"Earl Grey?" His voice is so close to my ear that the air coming out of his mouth tickles me.

Brushing my ear against my shoulder to stop the funny sensation, I bite my bottom lip. "Uh, chamomile. For sleep. It helps me sleep when my mind is not cooperating with my normal sleep routine. It's, uh, good... relaxing. Um..." I can't focus because his hand goes to my waist while he extends his other hand to get a cup from the shelf on top of the sink. I hold back a moan when my body almost bends down on the counter as he tries to reach for a cup. Did he do that on purpose?

I stop myself from bending over by gripping the edge of the sink, resisting the force of his body. "You could've just asked me to get you a cup, you know?"

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