☽ ix.

937 33 10

song: Tear You Apart- She Wants Revenge

Eleanor's twin, Evan, at the top (:

f l a m e s

AFTER yet another staredown, Eleanor tugged nervously at Jack's shirt, taking the prepared fish off the stove.

Jack sighed, glancing after her discontentedly.

Eleanor chewed her lip. She didn't want to ruin the peaceful silence, but she was filled with the urge to speak.

She began to talk, unsure of how he would respond.

"Jack? I need to know something."

Jack scratched his head as Eleanor turned to face him.

"What would that be?" He asked distractedly, seemingly out of this world.

"Um, this is going to sound kind of strange."

He focused on what she was saying, watching her soft, pink lips.

"When I was surrounded by the wolves, I..."

Jack walked, then came to a stop in front of Eleanor, reaching above her to get to plates from the cupboard.

She was momentarily entranced as his arm veins bulged with the movement, endlessly fascinated by his body.

Eleanor breathed in his now familiar scent. It was musky, and had a piney odor that could only be found outdoors, deep in the woods.

How fitting.


Jack slid the plates on the counter beside Eleanor's waist, raising an eyebrow at her silent figure.

Eleanor's breath hitched, savoring the roughness of Jack's voice, though it was merely a single word he spoke.

"W-well... I don't know, really. I couldn't help but wonder if you knew any of those wolves."

"And what brought you to that conclusion, Red?" Jack picked up the china and moved it onto the table, looking rather large in comparison to everything else in the otherwise decently sized room.

"I don't know if I can explain."

"Try." Jack demanded, pulling out his chair and sitting down to eat.

Eleanor shivered as his voice took a firm, commanding tone.

"I saw the malice in their gazes. A normal wolf is incapable of human emotion."

"But a werewolf is not?"

"Well yes, you are an example."

"Which ones?" He stared encouragingly at her, beckoning her to come eat.

She took a seat across from him, folding her hands on the table.

"If I may be completely honest, aggression is the one that... stands out the most." She spoke, watching Jack obnoxiously rip the fish with his teeth, biting hungrily into its flesh. A bone hung like a hook from the side of his lip, which he paid no mind to.

Jack met her gaping eyes, then swallowed and dabbed his mouth with a napkin.

"Fair enough. What else?"


He parted his lips and paused, causing a piece of chewed up trout to fall from his mouth.

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