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Han Jisung wasn't your typical University student. He was introverted, anti-social, had anxiety, didn't like parties, didn't interact with a lot of people, and he was a proud yet private gay. Not everyone was aware of his sexuality but if they asked he would tell them the honest truth, even if it was going to end badly for him.

Despite all of this, and unbeknownst to the boy, he was rather popular amongst the students at JYP University of Arts. He was the mysterious boy on campus, amazing at art, music, and creative writing. Not to mention he was absolutely stunning. He was petite in stature, only 5'3 in height, with a slim waist, beautiful legs, an ethereal smile which no one sees often, and eyes that looked like they held the stars in them. And he didn't even realize he was the one people whispered about whenever they saw him walk down the halls, he honestly thought it was one of the 'popular' kids.

Guys either thought he was stunning or were offput by him, and girls thought he was adorable. Many of the girls secretly wished he was gay, as he was rather feminine in how he dressed and accessorized, and they thought he'd look great with a number of guys on campus. There were still some serious homophobes on campus which makes it harder for everyone to express who they are. But not Jisung, he dressed how he wanted, accessorized how he wanted, and he didn't care for the snide comments that the homophobes threw at him. He liked who he was for the most part and anyone who made fun of him were just afraid to express themselves for who they really were.

But that was besides the point.

He didn't have many friends. Not really anyways. He did however know one of the popular guys on campus. Bang Christopher Chan. They had been neighbours growing up and were even friends until Chan, or Chris as Jisung called him, became one of the popular kids in school and started ignoring the squirrel like boy. Jisung thought nothing of it, it was just how life went, popular kids stayed with the popular kids, and people like Jisung were well, kind of loners. But oh well.

And once again, Jisung was walking through the halls with his headphones on and music blasting, with a sigh he brushed his rose-gold coloured hair out of his eyes with his hand as he navigated his way to his last class of the day. Some boys stared, while the girls whispered and giggled about the boys outfit. They were in awe. Today the rose-gold haired boy was sporting a black fitted turtleneck, with a purple knitted vest, dark pants, and combat boots. Not to mention the black snake earings and the silver rings on his hands. He looked stunning, as usual.

He walked into class, unaware of the eyes on him as he went to his seat and sat down. He never paid too much attention to the people around him. And he never really cared about the stares he got either. If people wanted to look, they could look. He didn't care as long as they didn't touch him. That was all. His head turned and he stared out the window at the field of flowers in the property near the Campus. Class was supposed to start soon, so they rose-gold haired boy turned off his headphones and put them in his bag.

The room began to fill more with chatty students talking about their plans for the weekend, some were going to visit their families, while most, were raving about a party that was supposed to happen on Saturday. Almost everyone was going to be there, including students from different campuses. This would be the first Jisung heard of the party, that had apparently been planned and talked about for weeks. And he didn't really plan on going either, he didn't like parties. Or crowds of people.

"H-Hey Jisung?" Lia, a girl in his class, called as she walked up to his seat with her friends trailing behind her for moral support.

"Yes?" The rose-gold haired boy spoke as he made eye contact with her.

"Are you coming to the party tomorrow? Everyone is gonna be there." Lia asked after a moment of contemplation. Jisung sighed, glanced out the window before looking at the five girls in front of him.

"Ah I don't really like parties." Jisung replied lightly.

"Please come to this one. It'll be fun, I promise. You can hang out with us, and we can stay away from the huge crowds if you'd like." Chaeryeong pleaded, as the girls pouted at the rose-gold haired boy.

"And you can leave whenever you feel like it." Yeji added.

"Why do you want me to come?" Jisung questioned, and the girls froze.

"You never go to parties, you're always in your dorm room doing whatever it is that you do in there and no one ever gets to see who you are outside of classes. We'd just like the chance to experience who you are outside of classes and hopefully become friends if you'd like." Ryujin spoke up for the girls and Jisung took a minute to think. He sighed lightly in defeat. He was honestly flattered but he really didn't want to go to a party. However, he'd feel badly saying no to these girls who just want to be his friend.

"Where and when is the party? And what do I have to wear?" The rose-gold haired boy asked and the five girls beamed at him excitedly.

"The party is at the Delta Stray Frat House. We can meet up at 8pm. And wear whatever you feel like wearing. You're literally an icon." Yuna replied excitedly and Jisung nodded. It was obvious to the girls that he wasnt thrilled about going to this party, but they were really happy he was going to go with them. It was unexpected and they were seriously hoping the six of them could be friends.

"Alright, I'll see you there at 8pm, tomorrow." Jisung spoke with a small smile which caused the girls to beam at him again before saying goodbye and heading to their seats.

Jisung, in short, did not want to be any where near that party on Saturday. But he would stick to his word and hang out with the girls who invited him for a little while until he got too uncomfortable to be there anymore. Which would probably happen sooner rather than later, as the rose-gold haired boy had pretty serious social anxiety and generalized anxiety by which he needed to take medication for. No one knew of this obviously and he wanted to keep it that way.

It didn't take long for class to start and Jisung began thinking of what he would do at the party. He'd probably just follow the girls around and talk to them, as he wasnt fond of drinking too much and he didn't want to talk to anyone else either. Maybe it would be fun, maybe this party would change something for him. But he didn't know that.

Not yet at least.

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