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The school day went on and Jisung did his best to avoid his roommates. It's not that he didn't like them, it was just that he didn't know them enough and he wasn't comfortable making new friends at the moment. He was content having the girls as his friends and that was enough for him.

Jisung made his way down the halls with Ryujin and Yeji by his sides. They were going to meet up with Lia, Yuna, and Chaeryeong in the cafeteria before going out to have lunch with each other. It was something that Ryujin thought of and quite honestly, Jisung was looking forward to it. They were going to a café called Evel Swirls, and they apparently had an amazing selection of cheesecake, chocolate, drinks, coffee, and more. Which sounded absolutely amazing to the rose-gold haired boy.

"Jisung!" The squirrel like boy turned towards the voice and saw Chan standing along with Changbin, Seungmin, Minho, Jeongin, Felix and Hyunjin. They had found him.

"Oh hi, Chris hyung." Jisung replied softly as his shoulders tensed, a small detail that the girls had noticed immediately.

"Do you want to come get lunch with us?" Chan asked, taking note of the youngers rigidness.

"Uhm well, I'm-" Jisung was cut off by Yeji placing her hand on Jisung's shoulder.

"Sorry Channie hyung. We already asked Jisungie to come have lunch with us. Maybe next time though." Ryujin stated with a smile, taking note of Jisung's breathing as it quickened.

"Ah that's alright. Maybe next time. Have fun." Chan replied and the three quicky turned and made their way to find their three other friends before going to the café.

Jisung, Ryujin, Yeji, Yuna, Lia, and Chaeryeong sat at the booth at the back of the café as they ate their food. Jisung was more so excited for his desert, chocolate cheesecake of course. They talked and laughed as they enjoyed their lunch, without realizing that the rose-gold haired boys roommates had come to the café themselves for lunch as well. The seven boys occasionally looked over to the group before continuing their own conversation.

"He doesn't seem to like us." Seungmin muttered as he glanced at the boy laughing with his friends.

"Jisung isn't very social, and he can get very anxious around new people. So, he has a tendency to avoid new people instead of doing something that would set off his anxiety." Chan chipped in and the group looked at him with a questioning glance.

"How do you know that?" Changbin asked as he rose a brow at the older.

"Jisung and I used to be neighbours, and best friends. But at some point, I became popular and he didnt and we drifted apart." Chan paused, "It was my fault really, I stopped hanging out with him and stuff because I let the popularity get to my head. I regret it though."

"So you guys were friends and you ditched him to be popular?" Felix spoke in a quizzical tone as he too rose a brow at the older boy. Chan nodded and Felix frowned at him.

"That's pretty shitty Chan hyung." Jeongin chirped.

The boys continued talking as they glanced at the rose-gold haired boy who was enjoying his time with his friends. They all thought that he was absolutely gorgeous and they wanted to get to know the boy but they figured that it would take a lot of time if Chan was right about Jisung being anti-social and having anxiety.

And little did they know, he was.

"So Jisung, how are you liking your new room?" Yuna asked as the rose-gold haired boy sighed.

"It's nice, honestly. The whole place is nice. I just don't feel comfortable enough to actually talk to any of my roommates. I'm worried I'll go into a gay panic or something." Jisung muttered in response and the five girls stared at him like he had two heads.

"You're gay?" Chaeryeong asked bluntly, her mouth opened in shock. Jisung paused and rose a brow at the girls.

"Obviously? I mean come on, no straight man would ever dress the way I do or wear makeup because it's pretty. Well, they can, but no one I've met has." Jisung retorted with a small laugh causing the girls to grin.

"This is amazing, you're just full of surprises aren't you?" Ryujin laughed as she leaned into Yeji. The two were sitting beside one another with Lia stuck feeling like a third wheel.

"I thought everyone knew that I was gay." Jisung mumbled lightly to himself. To him, it seemed obvious. Most, if not all, of his friends were girls. He wore makeup, and dressed like a diva. Well, he had a great fashion sense but still. He thought everyone knew he was gay, he was proud of it.

"No one really knows anything about you, Jisung. You're pretty popular because of it. People want to know things about you and not to mention you're really fucking hot." Yeji spoke after a moment of silence.

The rose-gold haired boy only smiled shyly and continued eating his food. This was news to him. He thought he was invisible, at least he tried to be. But apparently it was the opposite. He was popular? Now that didn't make any sense to the squirrel like boy. He didn't think there was anything too special about him to make him popular.

But then again, he couldn't see what everyone else saw.

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