The new boy

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"WHAT IS IT!? THIS IS A PRETTY OUTFIT!" shouted Aubree,lol she seriously thinks thats even an outfit!? "Not for me it aint!" I replied,"Your outfit is waaaaaay uglier!" responded Aubree, "Your mean......." I muttered loudly,"Your EVIL!!!!!!!!!" exclaimed Aubree. OMG someones coming down the stairs......... "What the heck is going on!?" snapped Aidan,"Ava says I dont have a pretty outfit......." said Aubree with a frown,"Thats because its NOT." replied Aidan. I cant believe he said that! :O OMG! Aubree was almost in TEARS! "Ugh you 2 dont have style.......Carter!!!!!!!!!!!!" squealed Aubree. We heard other footsteps and Carter was coming down in a white vest,black jeans,white vans and black jacket. "What now......?" Carter huffed, "Do I look HOT?" asked Aubree, "Seriously Aubree? A brother cant respond that!" I pointed out, "Ava's right,brothers cant reply to that. But yeah,you look nice I guess." said Carter. "YAY!" exclaimed Aubree jumping up and down then sticking her tongue out at me. "BUT I like Ava's outfit way more. It looks cool." ended Carter. Then Aubree stopped jumping up and down and screaming yay then walked to the front door and opened it. It was just then I realised that Aubree was carrying my handbag! Ugh,seriously? 

"Bye honeys!!!!!!!!" shouted mom with a wave. "Bye mom!" "Cya mom." "Later mother" "Bye!!!!!!!!!" is what we all said and then left for the bus stop. "SIGH......SIGH........SIGH........" sighed Aidan,"Whats wrong bro?" asked Carter,"I am in need of a girlfriend." sighed Aidan once again,"Just act cool and ladies will jump for you. Ava doesn't have a boyfriend,she lives with it." responded Carter,"Im not interested in romance and all." I said. "AHHHHHH! ZACHARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zachy.......?" said Aubree with a shock. OMG! I was shocked too! I saw Zachary,Aubree's boyfriend making out with Aubree's arch-nemises,Jennifer Collier! "Za-Za-Zachary....?" said Aubree while tears were filling up her eyes. Zachary turned around and saw Aubree standing there. "Oh uh.......he he hey Aubree.......!" waved Zachary, "Zach? You were kissing JENNIFER COLLIER!?!? UGH I WASTED MY MONEY ON THIS OUTFIT FOR NOTHING! SCREW YOU AND JENNIFER!" shouted Aubree, "Oooooooo burn! Aubree should turn,Aidan whistles,want some thistles?" rapped Carter. I nudged Carter and Aidan looked disapointed,I looked sad.....

Right then I saw my 5 best friends,Jocelyn Stevens,Mandy Maxwell,Areana Prisciallia,Andrea Davis and Blake Colton. "Blake! Jocelyn! Mandy! Areana! Andrea! :D" I shouted, "OMG! AVA!" Andrea shouted back,"Yo Ava!" Jocelyn shouted back,"Ava! :D Missed you hon!" exclaimed Mandy,":) Hey Ava!" saluted Areana,"Hi Ava." said Blake. Strange seeing Blake all silent and quiet,"Are you ok Blake?" I asked sitting by him on the bench in the bus stop,"Well,I guess. Just uh woke up on the wrong side of the bed!" said Blake,nervous and doing the jazz hands,"Well ok,a bad night isn't a pleasent thing!" I responded. "Have you seen Zachary and Jennifer? I thought Zachary loved AUBREE not JENNIFER!" exclaimed Andrea,"I know right." Jocelyn said,"Although Jennifer and Zach are a better couple...." said Areana. Ok,that was true,but I didn't want to hurt my sister. "Um who's that guy walking up to us?" asked Mandy. That caught my eye,a boy was coming up to us which I never seen before. Who will it be?

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