Vale High

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"Hi Ava!" shouted the misterious boy,"Uhhhh do i know you......?" i replied,"Probably not." he responded,"How do you know my name?" I asked,"uhhhh THE BUS!" said the misterious boy,pointing at the school bus coming towards us. The boy's face is pretty familiar,"What's your name......?" I asked once again,"My name? Isaac Collins. Don't you know me?" said Isaac,confused,"No,but your face and voice sounds pretty familiar.........." I replied. OMG! HE WAS THAT GUY FROM MY DREAM! Im not saying it out loud,its pretty embarassing.


Yes! She's the one from my dream! I now have to get to her,bring her to my family and sacrifice her! Wait,sacrifice her? Oh no.........


If you haven't guessed,im in love with Ava. She doesn't know it. I started getting nervous on the weekend,choosing wether to tell her or not.  But now that guy Isaac Collins came,he has a sneaky look......


I noticed that "guy" coming,the new one,Isaac. Im gonna try him. But STILL! I CANT BELIEVE ZACHARY WAS CHEATING ON ME ALL THIS TIME! D:


Should I tell Isaac that he's from my dream? WHAT? NO............ I'll just sound retarded. Or maybe not.... Blake has this sneaky look,as well as Isaac. What's going on? Im very CONFUZZLED! D: Anyway,getting on the bus....... "Hey Ava,mind sitting by me? Im pretty lonely,Jake's not here...." said Blake,"Um sure Blake!" I said back "Im going to sit my Isaac too,since he's new.". "Ok! Isaac over here!" shouted Blake,a little too loudly. We settled on our seats,I got the middle....


Oh great,Isaac has to come,why cant I just stay with Ava,ALONE.........? Aha! I'll get her in the lockers.


We arrived at Vale High,our high school and I went to pack up my bags when I saw Blake coming up to me,who knows what he wants? "Ah!" I let out a small shriek when Blake pushed me in the locker,with him and he locked it. "What the heck are you doi-?" I got interrupted by Blake putting his hand over my mouth. "Shhh babe......" said Blake calmly. He then started kissing and nibbling my neck while I struggled and heard the bell. "Im going miss science class!" I shrieked,"Dont worry,your with me....." said Blake while slipping his hands through my knickers. "Get off!" I yelled.


She's a hard gal,gosh. I was hoping she would go along with this,so I kissed her while squeezing her butt. I knew 2 people could fit in a locker! But I was worried about missing class.........Ava will probably hate me now,but I dont care. I'll just keep going on her till she dates me. I didn't really tell people I am a devil,I come from the under world. Isaac,I know that chap,he's a guardian angel. We're enemies fighting over Ava,who will she choose? Probably Isaac,but im not afraid to kidnap. I slipped my other hand in her bra,squeezing her breasts. Wow,I gotta say,she has big breasts. I started tongue kissing her while she struggled to get away from me,but then i stopped,holding her by the wrists and holding them above her. "Will you date me?" I asked,"Ew no!" Ava replied,kicking me in the stomach and letting me fall out of the locker,I guess I didn't lock it properly.........I never got lockers. 


What the hell got into Blake?! I ran for my life to science class,but I felt bad for him,lying on the cold hard floor. NO AVA! IM NOT GOING TO TURN BACK NOW! Sigh,whats going on?


I know this was a short chapter,but in a few chapters it's going to be way exciting,in a new,different world!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2013 ⏰

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