Chapter 4 - The Curse of the Pharaoh

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Trigger warning: There are a lot of mentions of different ways to die at the start of this chapter, some of which are quite violent. So if you're sensitive to that, be cautious or skip the first part. Take care.


Chantico enters an apartment. The lights are still on in the living room and she can hear the noise she assumes is coming from the TV. However, she knows that she's practically alone in this place, maybe with the exception of her butterflies that are coloured blue with black markings.

She approaches the elderly woman, who is leaning backward a little in her comfortable chair. Her eyes are closed. It appears she simply fell asleep while watching the news – something about an exhibition on Ancient Egypt.

It's a peaceful scene, so peaceful that Chantico just stands there for a moment and observes it.

She has seen probably the result of every possible way for people to die. She has seen the results of natural disasters, war and plagues. She witnessed the deaths caused by genocides and nuclear warfare, the ravaged bodies and buildings left behind after a bombing. She knows what a crime scene of a murder looks like or the scene left behind after a suicide. She's rarely surprised by the cruel ways humans can end each other's lives. Back when she was alive, she believed that it was an honour to die in battle, but after seeing the brutality of it all, she can't help but feel like it was nothing but a lost cause, a life tossed away for nothing. All the people that died in wars became nothing but statistics, a simple number that defined their entire existence after they were gone.

So after seeing the worst of the worst, Chantico has come to appreciate the peaceful scenes of people who passed away quietly when they were old and grey. It still amazes her sometimes that people can live this long. She rarely saw anyone with grey hair growing up.

Her people were like fireworks. They burned bright and faded quickly.

Chantico approaches the woman and places a hand on her chest, whispering "May you go in peace."

She pulls a small ball of pale blue light from the woman's chest. It appears so small and fragile when the Guide cradles it in her hands, but its light is strong and bright, warming her cold hands slightly.

It's beautiful.

"Take care of her." Chantico says as she passes the soul to one of the few white butterflies in her care.

As it touches the light, the butterfly turns a pale blue and black markings appear on its wings, unique for each soul. Chantico smiles as she watches them appear. She's certain this woman will have plenty of stories to tell Cerin when she crosses over.

When she was alive, Chantico believed that she was meant to live fast and die young, and she did. But after spending so many centuries caring for the dead, she came to a conclusion.

Living a long life is beautiful in its own way.


"I'm done here!" Chantico beams, appearing from the shadows and startling Tooth a little.

She quickly recovers "Ah, that's great. I'll let my fairies collect the remaining teeth here while we continue, okay?"

Chantico nods firmly, motioning for her butterflies to come along. She makes sure to keep a smile on her face and a cheerful attitude.

She has never liked showing people anything except her bubbly side.

"Why do you come along and collect teeth?" Chantico asks "You don't have to, right? Your fairies do it for you and stuff. Besides, it's impossible to collect all teeth by yourself. I can't collect all the souls on my own either, too much work."

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