Chapter 7 - Cold Waters

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Aura had just been going through more books at the workshop to find another possible lead on Lantern's allies, when Chantico stumbled out of the shadows and, without any concern about her landing, let herself fall face-first on the floor.

Her body going rigid, Aura drops the book she was holding on her foot, almost on the elf nearby, and bites back a hiss and some impolite words. She takes a breath to calm herself before asking "Chantico?"

"Chantico is not here. She's dead, very dead." Chantico says, voice muffled by her face still being pushed against the floor.

"Yes, I already knew that... Most of us are." Aura responds flatly.

"Is everything okay up there?" North calls out from where he's observing the production of toys.

Chantico lets out a dragged out 'no', but it's so muffled that Aura can barely hear it, so she calls out "Just a rough landing from Chantico. We'll be fine."

"Doesn't look like it." Jack comments, making Aura tense up again.

"Please don't give me any further heart attacks today. I've already had my dose." Aura mutters, holding her hands up "Could you help me move her so she's on her back and not making it difficult for herself to breathe?"

Jack nods and while neither of them is particularly strong in the physical department, together they're able to roll Chantico over so she's no longer suffocating. The Guide lets her limbs flop down and groans.

"At least it doesn't look like you injured yourself with your entrance, except for a few bruises." Aura mutters.

"So, what happened?" Jack asks.

Chantico lifts a hand, holding up her index finger "Remind me to discuss my working conditions with Death."

"Maybe don't insult a powerful force." Aura sighs "Are you feeling overworked again?"


"Looks worse than usual to me." Jack suggests, poking Chantico's leg with his staff "She doesn't even kick me."

"Natural disaster." Chantico explains "That's what people who are alive call it at least. This one's definitely not natural. So lots of dead people. Cerin's still busy."

"That does not sound good."

Aura frowns "If it's unnatural, then does that mean one of Lantern's allies could've caused this?"

Chantico nods slowly "I'll take you there. Just give me a moment. I'm busy dying here!"

"Chantico, you literally can't die."


Either way, as promised Chantico takes them to the site of the disaster after taking a chance to recover. Even though she had made a face when she realized she had to use a snow globe instead of her usual shadows, she complied and opened the portal.

The sight that awaits them is awful.

Houses are destroyed. Trees have been uprooted. The muddy water still flows through the streets, having mercilessly devoured everything in its path. Even though it's daytime and light, the bodies that are scattered about make the scene heartwrenching.

Aura can feel her throat constricting and her chest growing tighter upon seeing the destruction. It's a familiar sight and even though she knows that it's not what happened, she can't help but wonder if she did this.

"Tsunami." Chantico's voice snaps her out of her thoughts while the Guide walks forward to a nearby body, a woman.

She must have died in the past hour or so, because Chantico takes a small glowing orb out of her chest and passes it to a butterfly. She motions to her other helpers to go, who obey and scatter to find more victims.

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