Chapter 9 - Final Stand

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"We have to go."

Cerin's words bring a certain heaviness to the atmosphere, and his explanation only adds to it. Aura doesn't protest, knowing that he's right, and motions for him to open the portal. Taking a snowglobe from the pocket of his hoodie, Cerin mutters the location and throws it.

They exchange a look, drawing their weapons, before both running forward and vanishing upon making contact with the portal that closes behind them.

When they make it to the other side, they're immediately hit by a heavy rainfall. The sky is covered with dark clouds that block out the sunlight and the harsh weather conditions make it difficult for Aura to see. However, there are two distinct silhouettes in the distance, one near the shore and one carrying a light with him, and she knows enough. Not long after, two more silhouettes appear, one of which carrying two small but vibrant blue lights.

Someone runs up to them, footsteps clearly audible on the soggy ground, and they turn around to find Chantico with the Guardians not far behind her.

"You're okay." She breathes once she's close enough.

Thunder crashes through the air.

Cerin nods "Yeah, we're fine." He fixates his gaze on the approaching figures "But it seems we have trouble here."

"You could say that." North says, wearing a heavy coat and carrying two swords.

Sandy hits one hand against his fist while looking in the direction of Lantern and the others.

With the white noise from the rain drowning out most other sounds, Aura just stares at the figures. She has known they would eventually all show up together, but she still isn't prepared to deal with them. She doesn't have a plan, or a course of action to take next. She doesn't even know what they want or what their true intent is beyond practically destroying the realm of Death and by extend their world.

The anxiety seeps into her bones along with the cold from the rain and her throat closes up, like someone wrapped their hands around it and started applying pressure. Her eyes dart back and fort between each of the figures that are steadily approaching as she tries to figure out something, anything.


Hearing her name being called gently, she looks back at Cerin who gives her what's probably supposed to be a reassuring smile. She appreciates the gesture, doing her best to return it, before shifting her focus back to their opponents. She takes a deep breath, suppressing her fears and anxieties for the time being.

A flash of lightning.

She tightens her grip on her fans. Blades are unsheathed and weapons cut through the air as the Guardians and servants of Death take a stance.

"Remember, the big guy is mine." Chantico comments, scythe held back and ready to take a swing.

"Didn't he badly beat you last time?" Bunny questions without taking his eyes off the threat in front of them.

The Guide narrows her eyes "Watch me."

"Not the time, you two." Tooth reminds them.

How people can still bicker in the face of an enemy that would probably kill them if given the chance is beyond Aura.

"My, so many weapons and so much hostility. Tell me, North, is this how you greet an old friend?" Lantern asks with open arms once he's within hearing vicinity.

"We're not friends. You know that." North replies.

Lantern laughs "My bad, my bad. You weren't very happy about... what I did in Ireland after all."

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