13. Chapter - Stranger

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I couldn't believe I spent the whole afternoon with Dale doing absolutely nothing

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I couldn't believe I spent the whole afternoon with Dale doing absolutely nothing. Right after our encounter at his workplace, we went out to get some fresh air, taking a stroll in a nearby park, talking about what happened and if we should keep on seeing each other or not. We both agreed some fucker who lacked even a tiny bit of human decency didn't deserve any thought from us. I used much worse expressions describing the motherfucking Michael Harris, but Dale was too nice for his own good.

After our heart to heart, we had a lunch at a small Mexican restaurant, and I accompanied him to the nearest shopping mall because he needed to buy a new backpack. I was dying to buy it for him, for all the shit he had to and will have to go through in the future because of that stupid article, but he was very persuasive when he explained he didn't want anything materialistic from me as it would make him feel cheap and dirty. I was thankful he at least let me pay for the lunch we had.

When we said our goodbyes, agreeing to text each other the following day to arrange another date night, I was beyond excited.

The price I was going to pay for spending the whole day with him would be deadly, though.

The moment I checked my phone and realized there were over twenty missed calls from Alison, several from my father and dozens of emails from my other coworkers and our business partners, I knew I had to come back to real life and deal with this shitstorm. And as if that wasn't enough, there was no call, no text, no nothing from Nelson, and I didn't know why, but it felt like a betrayal.

After all those months gone, I would've expected we would be back to the same routine we had before he just up and left, but it seemed that wasn't happening. And while I knew, deep down, I was being a hypocrite because I didn't contact him throughout the day either, and I didn't exactly pay him any attention in the morning, it still pissed me off.

Sighing, I decided to go back to the office and do some work I missed due to my afternoon with Dale. Alison was working her ass off, and I've been slacking off. She would skin me alive if I didn't at least respond to the work-related emails.

I would deal with Nelson the next day.


Dealing with Nelson proved to be harder than I imagined. I couldn't figure out where he was. The idiot didn't tell me, and I forgot to ask. So much for him being a shitty best friend. It seemed I wasn't much better. Though, not having him around for six months just threw me off, so my lack of awareness should be understandable.

Leaning against my front door, I waited until Alison picked up. I was surprised she did at all. Knowing her, I expected she would ignore all my calls, just like I did yesterday, to get back at me.

"What?" She was most definitely pissed off.

"Good morning to you too, Ali."

"Don't start. I'm not in the mood right now. What do you need? I hope as hell it's work related considering the shit you pulled yesterday," she said, and I could almost see her, seething word after word through her teeth, trying her hardest not to snap. I would have to stop by Oliver's place and buy her one hell of a breakfast and the best coffee he had. Just because I knew she would do all the necessary work for the day didn't mean it was okay for me to take advantage of her like that.

The Cold Side of the Bed (MxM) | FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now