26. Chapter - My Sun

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The moment Nelson hung up on me, I knew he was going to leave no matter what I said

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The moment Nelson hung up on me, I knew he was going to leave no matter what I said. He was running away again without even giving me a proper chance to talk to him. What use did his apology have when I had no idea what it was for?

I tried to call him back immediately, but it went straight to voicemail, and it took everything in me not to throw the phone across the room. The bastard turned the phone off. I felt so hopeless. I was trapped in the bed, my ribs and arm hurting like bitch when I moved the wrong way, and whenever I stood up, the whole world started to spin, and I was about to throw up. An overwhelming sense of doom and frustration started to creep up on me.

But I couldn't let those things stop me from going after him. There was no way I was letting him leave just like that. He did it once already, but at that time, I was either passed out or in the middle of getting railed by some stranger, so I had no chance of stopping him. It was different this time. Gripping the phone still in my hand, I dialed Alison's number, hoping she knew something. I was ninety percent sure Nelson didn't tell her much precisely because he knew I would ask her, but I still had to try. People often abandoned their logic when operating on feelings alone. And Nelson sure as hell wasn't being logical at the moment.

"What's up?" she asked, sounding a bit off. I wanted to ask her if everything was okay, but I didn't have time for that. It was an ordinary working day for people who weren't stuck in a hospital, so she was most likely dealing with some work-related stuff. On any other day, I would be anxious to know if everything was going smoothly, and it just showed how fucked up I was.

"Do you know when is Nelson's flight to whatever shithole he wants to run away to?"

The silence that followed my question told me enough, even without Ali saying anything.

"All I know is that he is flying today and is going to San Francisco again. He plans to work with us as a remote employee. And his cousin is getting married in two weeks. I know that one from the news."

I sighed. This wasn't helpful at all. Not when I wanted to stop him from leaving. He could already be on his way to the airport or, in the worst-case scenario, be boarding the plane right this minute. Knowing his destination was useless.

"This is stupid," I gritted out, cursing him in my mind. He was doing everything possible to ruin our relationship – whatever it meant right now.

I checked out the clock on the wall, my brain hurting at how much I was trying to figure out the best course of action.

My safest bet would be to go straight to the airport and hope there was still some time before the plane took off. Provided he chose the airport in the city. Considering the situation, he could have been so desperate to get away to book a flight from one of the other airports nearby.

"Victor, I think he needs some time to deal with everything. I spoke to him in the morning, and he is on edge. I'm used to happy-cheery Nels, but the person I spoke to was anything but. You can't expect him to forget what happened and continue to act as before." She paused, and before she managed to say more, I was already speaking.

The Cold Side of the Bed (MxM) | FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now