The doctor's appointment

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Today is Chris's appointment with Doctor Nevara at 10 AM and a half for her check up.Street wakes her up at 9AM like he always d, she gets out of bed to take her breakfast but he sees that she is worry, stressed and lost in her thoughts.So, he approaches her and hugs Chris to let her know that he is here.
"Hey, I know you scared of the things the doctor could say but i'm here, we're together and i'm sure that everything will be fine.But if it is not, then we'll go through this together." whispers Street.
She stays in his arms, he kisses her forehead and they stay like that for at least 10 minutes.
After they ate, they went get ready and now they leave for the hospital.
Once they arrive, they had to wait in the waiting room, that was so stressful for Chris so Street puts his hand on her leg to calm her down and takes her other hand in his to reassure her as best as he could.
After a few minutes, the doctor arrived and called Christina Alonzo.He made her have a X-ray of the ribs, the right ankle and the right knee but also a MRI scan of the knee.Once the results came back, Doctor Nevara called them back in his consulting room.
"Hello, how are you feeling since the incident ?" the doctor asks.
"I'm fine, i'm no longer in pain but i'm really fed up to walk with crutches and from doing nothing." Chris answers.
"Okay.So the results are good.The ribs have been strengthened, the ankle too but it will need a few physiotherapy sessions.And for the knee ..." the doctor explains.
Chris was holding her breath because she knew that it is her knee which could allow her to go back or not on the field with her SWAT family.Street watches her worry but nodded his head towards the doctor for him to continue his explanations.
"Like i was saying, your knee and your ligaments are a little strengthened but you'll need a lot of physiotherapy sessions to get back at 100 percents your strength and your stability"add the doctor.
Chris and Street sigh from relief.
"Yet, you can't go back on the field right now, you need to stay low so i will allow you to go back to work at the condition that you make calm, easy and no physical tasks.Your ankle needs 18 physiotherapy sessions amd at least 3 months of rehabilitation for your knee even more if the physiotherapist says so. Now, we are going to remove the splint and replace it by a knee support.You are not obliged to keep it all the time, but when you're in pain, it's better to keep it because it helps.The crutches are not longer necessary but i suggest you to take a walking stick, it helps too." the doctor says.
Chris nods her head,so happy to not need an surgery but also to go back to HQ even if if it is not on the field yet.Street is also so happy for her because he knew that these last weeks were hard for Chris even if he had done everything he could for her to forget her pain and her boredom, and excited to go back to work.
After Doctor Nevara made the papers for the physiotherapist and for the SWAT and and just before leaving, the doctor says one last thing : "Chris take all the time you need to rehabilitate your ankle and knee.But don't forget, those injuries weakened you so in the future you could feel pain in it.When you feel pain, put some ice on your articulation, your knee support and don't hesitate to rub it with ointment.Take care of you."
They got out of the doctor's office and said goodbye to him.
"You see, i told you that everything would be fine, i'm so happy for you." Street says by taking Chris in his arms and kissing her.He puts her down and they get out of the hospital walking hand in hand.
Before coming back home, the couple decide to go to HQ for Chris to hand in her certificate to Hicks and go see their team.
Arrived at the HQ, they go straight to the Commander's office and knock on the door.
"Come in" Hicks says.
"Hello" Chris and Street say at the same time.
"It's good to see you on your feet, Alonzo.What can i do for the both of you ?" he asks.
"I came here to bring you the doctor's papers and tell you that i can go back to work but at HQ only for the moment, I could go back on the field in 3 months only if i don't need more physiotherapy." Chris answers.
"Alright, put them on the desk.And you, Street ?".
"Since Chris doesn't need help at home anymore, i can go back to work tomorrow if you want Commander." Street says.
"Okay, but the two of you will be back at work from Monday because when this duty is over, the 20-David is off for the weekend." Hicks explains.
"Good, see you on Monday" Chris and Street says in synch.
Then, they go in the locker room where the team is gathered.
"Hey, look who came back !" Deacon says when he saw them come in.He greets Street and take Chris in his arms saying to her :
"I'm glad you're getting better, i was really worried since the incident even if Street gave us news on you.".
"Don't worry Deac, it's okay now and Street have been great and patient with me all along." Chris tells to reassure him smiling.
After Tan and Lucas hug their best friends so happy to see them again.
Finally,Hondo gives Street an embrace and takes Chris in his arms like Deacon saying :
"It's good to see you, the team missed you, how was the check up with the doctor?".
So Chris explains to them that she comes back to work at HQ but not on the field for at least 3 months.They are all happy but a little disappointed too because they all know that Chris loves to be with them on the field.
"Okay, i know it sucks that you can't go with us. But on the other side you don't need a surgery, you're back with us and we all know that  you are going to give all you have and focus on your rehabilitation at physiotherapy to come back with us as soon as possible amd stronger than ever." Lucas says to bring some positivity.
"Yeah, you're right." Chris adds smiling.
"So, we have something to celebrate.I invite everyone home after the shift to have a  friday night relax." Lucas adds.
They all accept.
Chris and Street leave HQ to go back to Street and Lucas's house but before they stop at the grocery to buy some things to eat and drink for the night.They are back home, they put away the food.
Then, the couple go sit on the sofa because Chris's knee hurt a little, Street takes her legs on his lap and he rubs her knee to try to ease her pain.Chris is looking at him smiling and she lays on the sofa while they watch TV.

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