The revelations

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They are asleep when Street hears Chris and feels her getting twist and turn.
"No, no ...don't do that." she shouted with tears running down her face.
He wakes up immediately and see Chris awake shaking and sweaty.Street takes her his arms.But she runs away into the bathroom to throw up once again, he follows her so he holds back her hair.When she's done, they go back to bed, she falls asleep with her head in Street's neck but that's not the case for Street.Around 1AM, her phone rings so Street looks who it is at this time.It was a text from an unknown number.
- You're gonna pay for this, b***ch.
With what he just reads, Street doesn't stop to think about what must have happened to Chris.This day was really exhausting as well as physically and mentally so sleep overcomes him.
Later in the night, Chris have 3 others nightmares with crying fit and she also throws up a few times.But each time, she could find sleep thankful to Street who's there and trying to reassure her with some comforting words.
Around 6AM, it's another nightmare that wakes up the couple.
Street redoes what he has done all night that means grabs a water glass, takes her in his arms, strokes her back, talks to her and try to put her back to sleep but this time it doesn't work.
"Street, ..." she said with a shaking teary voice.
"Yeah, ...".
There's a heavy silence between them and then nothing except that Chris cries a little more.He doesn't understand a thing but what he knows is that he can't stand to see her so broken, he would like to do more but he can't and it's getting on his nerves.
"Chris, if you want to tell me something you can, you know that." added Street with a sweet voice to not scare her.
"But if i'll tell you, you will be disgusted by me and i don't want to loose you, i can't ..." she said crying.
"That won't happen, i promise you.I love you no matter what you say, i'll stay because you're everything to me so no, don't think that because it is not your fault." added Street kissing her forehead and stroking her hair.
"Okay ...".
She takes a few deep breaths before telling him because it will be hard for her to relive yesterday events but also her rape when she was 15 years old.
"So, when i was 15 years old, i was on my way home when i've been kidnapped by four men.They took me for someone else.They ... they raped me." said Chris with tears rolling down her face.
Street clenches his fists to not scare her but it's a lot to take in.
"After that, it was hard for me, i didn't told anyone, i was angry all the time but also scared to be alone.The only way i found to get throught this was by writting.When i turned 18 years old, i told my Uncle what happened to me and i also told him that i wanted to become a cop to prevent that something like this happen to another one.He accepted my decision.Then, i became a cop because i was tired of being afraid and i thought that i had burry these memories deep in me but i suppose i was wrong.I will always have this burden and i'm tired of it." continued Chris without looking at Street because she is ashamed.
Street who is more angry than before at these guys, takes Chris in his arms.
"You did nothing wrong, this wasn't your fault.I know who you are and i can't imagine what is like to go throught that alone.But, you will recover and i'll be there to help you because i love you." said Street kissing her on her forehead and entralacing their fingers.
"How is it possible for you to not hate me for my rape ? Once you will hear the whole story, you won't say that, you'll be disgust by me and i understand, i don't love myself since that day so how can you ?" she said crying but being angry at herself but also afraid to loose the man she loves.
"I will never hate you because i love you.But can i ask you what's that go to do with yesterday's events ?"added Street.
She takes a few deep breaths, plays with her fingers.
"If you're not ready to tell me then don't, i'll be patient, i promise." he said with a sad smile to reassure her.
"I want to tell you but it will be difficult so, sorry if i cry or other wise.So, it all started one week ago with Dover'arrival, i think you had noticed.Since he joined our team, he always hits me, makes 
inappropriate comments on me, all of that always makes me feel uneasy but with him, i don't know there was something more scarier.But i choose to dive into my anxiety once again, to not talk to anyone about it, even you, thinking it would pass.I was wrong." told Chris very uncomfortable because she is reliving these moments and so her stress is back too.She takes a few more deep breaths but doesn't look at him afraid of his reactions.
Street puts a finger under her chin and lifts her head so he can look at her, he sees that she's scared and ashamed so he kisses her to erase those feelings but it's not a usual kiss, she doesn't respond to it because she thinks that she doesn't deserve it.She feels that he is angry but continues to tell what happened even if it will become harder.
"Yesterday, before you went on your mission, he said that he was going to takr care of me once you were back, i was terrified but i didn't think about it while you were out there on the field.I was more worry about you and your safety." she said sobbing.
Street holds her thighter so Chris feels safe enough to continue but he's more and more angry against Dover.
"When you got back, i was very happy.Moreover, i hadn't seen him in the building so i went in the locker room ..." Continued Chris before bursting into tears onto Street's chest and hiding her face.
"I'm gonnna kill him." whispered Street who understood what she was gonna say next by clenching his fists from anger but also because the woman he loves was broken and he doesn't know what to do to make her feel a little better.She begins to shivers so he calms down, takes her hands in his and looks her in the eyes.
"Okay, i understand what happened but just one last question, did he do it or did you manage to stop him before ?" he asked as quietly as he could.
"No, i stopped him before he has gone too far and then i ran away ... i didn't know what to do otherwise.I didn't know where to go, so i just ran to my apartment but i didn't manage to get in because of my shivers so i went to the back of my building where Hondo found me." she answered still crying.
Street nodded his head.
"Come, get some more sleep, you need it, i love you." he said by lying down on the bed next to her and kissing her temple.
She puts her head on his neck to hide that she is crying but he feels her tears.So he holds Chris in arms tighter and strokes her back.Then he puts, the blanket on the two of them.Chris cries herself to sleep.Street feels like he is useless and it hurts him, he would like to take all her pain, that she didn't have to relived these traumatic events but it's too late now.
"I promise you, no matter how hard it is, that we'll get throught it together, i love you." he said.
"Hmm." is the only thing Chris could answer because she's already asleep.
Around 9AM, Chris is still asleep but Street didn't get much sleep, he overthinks all the things Chris told him earlier.He's angry at those men and Dover for what they put her through but he knows that he needs to calm down to control himself but also sad for her.While he is bury in his thoughts, someone knocks on the door which makes Street react.He goes out the bed slowly to not wake her up and then goes to open the door.
"Hey, how are you and how is Chris ?" said Hondo worried seeing that he didn't sleep much last night or even not at all.
"Ho, hey, i'm good don't worry but Chris, she barely slept between nightmares, tears, vomiting so no she's not well and i don't know what to do." said Street in a low voice.
"Okay, i get it but tell me how you really feel ?" asked once again Hondo knowing that he had lied about himself.
"... I feel like a shitty boyfriend who doesn't do enough to make her feel good, reassure her.I feel bad, very bad." he answered with tears in his eyes of anger against himself.
"Don't say that, i know that you do everything for her amd i'm sure she knows it too so don't put too much pressure on yourself." reassured Hondo by putting his hand on Street's shoulder.
"Did she told you what happened at HQ ? I know it's not the appropriate moment but i really need to know to tell Hicks." asked Hondo.
"Don't worry i know.And yes she told me.Dover tried to rape her." answered Street more angry than Hondo saw him before.
"How is that ?" added Hondo.
"Okay, so during the night after one of her nightmares she decided alone to tell me.I had doubts about him since he arrived, he made perverse remarks and she was more anxious all that week than she had ever been so i know something was not right but she didn't tell me anything even if i tried.But this night, she told me some stories of her past and what had happened this last week with Dover that i didn't see and then she explained to me, that yesterday after we got back to HQ, he touched her but she managed to run away before it got too far.And one last thing, she doesn't know about it yet but yesterday's evening she received a text from an unknown number (he shows Hondo the text) and i'm a hundred percent sure it's from Dover so it means that he won't let her in peace."explained Street with his anger raising but he really tries to hold it down.
"Okay, i get it.I'll tell Hicks what you told me but she will have to report Dover herself.And how is she, a little better than when we found her ?" said Hondo.
"I don't know, i know that her hand and her shoulder are hurt, she's still reluctant about physical touch but when i'm next to her, she holds me, cries and never let me go as if she needed a protector and i will do everything i can possibly do to make her feel safe again." explained Street completely distraught.
"I've never seen Chris like that even in her worst moments.I'm worried for her but for you too.I know you will put her first but please don't forget yourself or i know Chris will feel bad for you, okay ?" added Hondo with a comforting smile towards his friend.
"Take your day off and i'm gonna tell Hicks and the team and i promise you that Dover won't be get through that easily, we will do everything for Chris." said Hondo.
"I know, but since the accident with Chris, it's been a rough time but thanks, could you tell Hicks that we'll be coming by HQ tomorrow for her complaint." told Street with a tired smile.
"Okay, i need to go now but don't worry too much, try to get some sleep, take care of her but you too and if you need anything tell me, okay kiddo ?" added Hondo with a tap on his back.

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