(C1) A Normal Day

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Hey everyone! Welcome to Pups on Mount Everest! I hope you guys enjoy the story!

November 16th 2017

It was mid November, around this time of year, it was cold in Adventure Bay, and more often than not, this ended up being the busiest time of year for the Paw Patrol. Mountain and snow related rescues being at an all time high over all of winter, forcing the team to ask Everest and Jake for a lot more help over the season, which the two of them were more than happy to provide. Despite that, winter was a fun time of the year for the Paw Patrol, with a lot of snow related activities being far more open to them than over the other seasons.

And if that wasn't enough, Ryder makes this special dog friendly hot chocolate with something called carob powder, which is actually hot carob and not hot chocolate, but it still tastes great.

Jake and Carlos had also come down to the lookout to stay for the holidays like they usually do every year. Tracker had come down to the lookout with Carlos, but Carlos knew Tracker was considering moving in with the Paw Patrol full time like Everest had fairly recently. Carlos knew it was Tracker's decision if he wanted to leave the jungle and stay with the Paw Patrol full time and he'd have to make it himself, but like how Jake felt when Everest moved into the lookout and out of the cabin, he'd miss being around Tracker daily but naturally, if it made Tracker happier, Carlos would support that for Tracker's sake, and he could always visit him in the lookout just like both of them were visiting the Paw Patrol now.

Meanwhile while the pups were playing in the snow, Ryder was on the top floor of the lookout on his desktop computer as he looked at flights from Canada to Kathmandu, some events from his past on his mind as he spoke to himself.

"Is now the best time to do this?" Ryder asked himself, was now really the best time to go through with his plan? He could wait until March next year for better weather and so he can tell the pups far in advance, but November is known as one of the best months for this and it's nearing the anniversary of...

Ryder made his decision then and there with the circumstances in mind, he'd go now and come back after reaching his goal to face any consequences that unfold from this decision "Alright, it's going to be booked today. Now I wait until November 27th for the next available flight and land in Kathmandu on November 29th, I can't let the pups know about this, they'd want to help me but I have to do it alone" Ryder spoke to himself about this, climbing Mount Everest and then reaching the summit is a team effort and despite how smart and courageous he is, he's only a ten year old deep down.

"I could ask Rocky to help me prepare some gear though, but then he'd have to keep a big secret from the rest of the group and I don't want something like that to weigh on his mind, I'll prepare the gear myself and load it into a suitcase, and taking the Air Patroller to Kathmandu would make my departure way too obvious to the pups if they needed the Air Patroller and it's missing, I'd rather not complicate things. I'll also ask Jake and Carlos if they can watch the pups while I'm gone before I leave." Ryder said out loud as he completed the purchase of a ticket from Canada to Kathmandu.

Meanwhile, the pups had swapped their game, deciding to play tug of war and predictably, Marshall fell face first into the snow, covering up some of the spots on his fur with a powdery white as his team fell forward behind him.

"Marshall, maybe next time stand at the back when we're doing tug of war, that way we don't all come crumbling down" Rocky jokingly suggested, breathing lightly underneath Everest, Marshall and Zuma.

"Yeah, that sounds good Rocky." Marshall said, getting off of Rocky as he scratched himself with one of his paws to get some of the snow out of his fur.

The pups laughed this off, Marshall's antics were what made him, well, him, no one has ever really known why he developed the clumsiness he does have, but in everyone's mind, a Paw Patrol without Marshall isn't the Paw Patrol at all.

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