(C10) Summit Guardians

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The city of Kathmandu hummed with life as the Mountain Patrol pups navigated its bustling streets. Everest, with a firm sense of purpose, led the team through markets and shops, guiding each pup to their assigned task. The vibrant energy of the city mirrored the determination in their eyes.

Chase, diligent and focused, negotiated for top-quality climbing ropes. Skye, with her aerial prowess, skillfully selected lightweight and calorie-rich food to sustain the team during their ascent. Zuma, attuned to water-related challenges, scrutinized water filtration devices to ensure the purity of their water supply.

Rocky, the eco-conscious pup, sought out environmentally friendly crampons and gear, aligning Adventure Bay's values with their equipment choices. Marshall, with his firefighting expertise, scoured for a reliable solar charger to keep their essential devices powered throughout the climb.

Rubble, the construction pup, diligently acquired trekking poles, recognizing their importance in reducing fatigue during the strenuous ascent. Each member of the team approached their task with a commitment that reflected their unique skills and contributions to the Mountain Patrol.

Everest observed with pride as her team seamlessly executed their responsibilities. The diverse talents of the pups intertwined, forming a cohesive unit dedicated to supporting Ryder on his perilous journey. The Air Patroller stood nearby, a symbol of their readiness to embark on this challenging adventure as a united front. The Mountain Patrol's journey to Mount Everest was taking shape, and with every gear secured, they inched closer to reuniting with Ryder and facing the formidable heights that awaited them.

With Everest taking lead of the team's mission, she led the team back to the Air Patroller, her light blue eyes radiating a sense of calmness that betrayed how she was truly feeling, being back in Kathmandu for the first time in years.

After Everest and the rest of the Mountain Patrol had made it back into the Air Patroller, they set the equipment that they had bought down before relaxing for a bit. It wasn't time for them to move forward with their mission to support Ryder in his climb, and ensure his survival, at least not yet.

As Everest laid down on one of the couches in the Air Patroller, with the aircraft flying through the air to get a general idea of the area, but also to scout Mount Everest and the challenges that awaited them in their mission, she closed her eyes and found herself remembering something crucial from her past, the day she met Adrian and the other members of his team of climbers. The Summit Guardians.

It had been an extremely intense raging storm as a team of climbers worked to reach the summit of Mount Aconcagua, but to them, this challenge was a test. A test to see if they have what it takes to survive the true challenge that every climber dreams of: conquering Mount Everest. They were on day one of the climb, and were around 5800 feet in the air, around 17000 feet from the summit, so they still had a long arduous journey ahead of them.

Adrian, the team leader, just like everyone else, has been a climber for his entire life, but he's not a thrill seeker. None of them are, they're going on these expeditions for humanitarian purposes, mainly to raise money for cancer research. The team had formed by chance after meeting each other on an online forum, and after their first expedition, the eight of them became extremely close friends to one another.

However, as they continued moving forward, another team member, Isabella, the communication specialist of the team, heard a small, extremely feint whimper near them, coming to a stop.

"Isabella, what's wrong?" Elena, the medic of the team and someone who, in the past, was someone studying medicine in the hopes of becoming a surgeon, asked as she looked behind at Isabella, who was now moving around to find the source of the whimper.

PAW Patrol: Pups on Mount EverestWhere stories live. Discover now