Chapter 6

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Third person POV in the hidden leaf village

"Good work. We should be able to get lots of information from the Akatsuki member you captured." Tsnuade congratulated them.

"I say we go and celebrate!" Kiba chuckled.

"I second that!" Choji chirped in.

"Then let us all have a youthful celebration at the barbecue house!" Lee added.

Soon they all went into the barbecue house and ate together.

While eating a mysterious figure walked in and stood right I front of the shinobi's table.

"Who are you?" Shino asked bringing everyone's attention to the boy in a plain black cloak hoodie.

"I've been tasked with giving you this message. Please make sure it reaches the Hokage and her new prisoner Deidara." The cloak boy said placing a scroll on the table before pooffing away.

"He seemed interesting." Sai chuckled as Neji picked up the scroll while activating his bykugan.

"It Dosent seemed to be booby trapped." He said as he opened the scroll as everyone peered closer to look.

To The Hokage and Deidara

Return Deidara to the Great Naruto Bridge tomorrow at noon or else Leader Sama will have no choice but to punish you.

-Sincerely the people of the land of waves village (Inari)

And on the back of the scroll was a picture of a ducks butt.

"We should report this quickly." Shino said as they all stood up.

-Meanwhile in Tsnuade's office-

"Inochi tried taking a look into his mind to try and find any information but it was useless. All we could find was how he was forced into the Akatsuki. All other memories have been sealed off even though he doesn't seem to have amnesia." Ibiki explained.

"And your torture?" Tsnuade asked glancing at the unconscious bleeding blond boy in front of her.

" I've got to stay He's one stubborn brat. I broke a finger for every insult he threw at me. I can't tell if he's brave and loyal or hardheaded and stupid. I stabbed him here and there where it would hurt but nothing that would kill him." He answered.

"And still nothing?" She groaned leaning back in her chair.

"The only thing he really said was the name Sasori right before passing out. It might have been either an old friend of his or another Akatsuki member he was close to. It could also have been the leader but we have no way of knowing." Ibiki replied.

Knock Knock

Was heard at the door.

"Come in." Tsnuade said as Neji walked in.

"We got this letter from a unknown figure while we were eating out." Neji said as he handed Tsnuade the scroll as she opened it reading it carefully.

"A bunch of civilians sent you this!" She yelled standing up quickly.

"It seems so. When we went to the village all of the civilians were very aggressive and wouldn't answer any of our questions or even give us a place to stay. It was so bad to the point that many kids even started attacking us." Neji explained as Tsnuade anger began to only bubble up more.

"So are you saying that the land of waves is with the Akatsuki?" Ibiki asked.

"It would seem so. He even told us he was tasked to watch over the village by his leader-sama." Neji answered glancing at the boy.

"They  have a lot of nerve. Expecting us to give them whatever they want without any sort of compensation in return." Tsnuade seethed.

"Neji I want you, to gather every shinobi you can. We'll give him back but in return we're taking the rest of the Akatsuki with us." Tsnuade said.

"Yes Hokage-sama." Neji said before leaving.

It was then that deidara began to gain consciousness.

"I see your finally with us you pain in the ass." Ibiki snarled.

"If your so sick of me why don't you just kill me already. It would save us both the trouble." Deidara spat back.

"Well I guess it's your lucky day then. It seems your leader wants you back. Tomorrow at noon your going to be our bait and key to finally getting rid of the Akatsuki.

"What......" Deidara asked shocked as all color drained from his face. He began to breath heavily and tremble.

"He's,no,no,no" Deidara muttered.

"Hey what the hell is wrong with you now." Ibiki asked as he wondered why the sudden change of attitude.

"He's going to kill me. I'm so dead. He's going to rip me limb from limb and gauge out my eyes." Deidara whimpered as he went on with a list of all the things that would happen to him.

"Just kill me now! I don't want to go back! I can't go back!" He begged as tears began to stream down his face.

"What the hell has gotten into him Ibiki!" Tsnuade asked.

"It seems his leader is quite scary." Ibiki said as he sent a quick hit to the back of Deidara's neck silencing the boy.

"I'll send Shizune to heal him later. For now let's prepare for tomorrow."

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