Chapter 22

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-Shikamaru pov-

It's been a month since Na—Kitsune-same has taken over and the village wasn't up in flames. When the hyuga's we're getting their curse marked removed he had sat right beside Hiashi making sure he didn't try anything. For once the hyuga branch was become more free and social. It was officially considered a peace era because all the villages had established a treaty with each other.

Kitsune-same had surprisingly took to visiting the academy as much as possible and helped them train diligently. Additionally whenever a teacher was sick or needed to take leave he would always sub in for them.

One of really weird parts was seeing the Akatasuki members walking around. It was obvious how strong they were and they made no move to hide it but they didn't seem like a threat at all whatsoever. Everyone knows that the Akatasuki all live together but not with Kitsune-sama or Takibi-sama and his friends.

I once went over there to give Deidara a mission and I was shocked when I saw Itachi in a pink frilly apron cooking scrambled eggs and Hidan was doing a handstand while Kakazua and Sasori made a bet on how long he could stand for. I had went to the garden to see if he was there and saw zetsu talking to some plants and Deidara chasing Tobi and they both had pink glitter in the hair.

That was always the weird thing about the Akatasuki. Despite being the most wanted criminals they acted like a big family. A weird one but a family. Even so it always seemed as though Itachi ostriches himself from them.

Speaking of which Inoichi has been improving bit by bit but he still needs a lot of work. Sasuke on the other hand........

Anyway most people in the village don't know the true identity of Kitsune or his trio. If you ever do catch a glimpse of the trio they usually are following Kitsune around or are out of the village dealing with bigger matters.

Today was especially shocking though. I had walked into Kitsune-sama's office like I had been doing for the past month and I saw at least 13 different kids who all ranged in ages 5 to at least 14.

"What's going on Kitsune-sama?" I asked as he was comforting one of the younger one who was crying uncontrollably.

"I've been getting a few complaints about 'street rats' dirtying up the street so I've decided to deal with it." He answered.

"What do you plan to do with them?" I questioned.

"I want you and Neji to take them all of them to the hospital and clean them up and get them all some shots. I want them to be perfectly healthy." He said handing me the kid as the crying quieted.

"Yes sir...." I groaned with a sigh. This was going to be such a drag.


It took absolutely forever to get all these kids what they needed. Their were 9 boys and 4 girls. I had called in Lady Tsnaude and Shizune too help change and bathe the girls while me and Neji dealt with the boys.

Afterwards we had to get them all medical records, check for any allergies, give them shots, and test them for any disease or sickness. It took all day and I was exhausted.

Once we were all done at the hospital Neji suggested we took them out to eat. Tsnaude and Shizune agreed so while they watched over them I went to go find Kitsune-sama. I was looking around when I took sight of the Akatasuki, Sai, Choji, and lee painting a house???

"What's going on?" I questioned lee.

"Did you know Chiwa-sama has a wood affinity!? She made this house in only a few seconds and then Kitsune-sama asked to help paint it." He explained.

"Who is this house for?" I questioned.

"Those orphans that Kitsune-sama picked up today of course! Their are 2 floors, an attic, a basement, a backyard, living room, kitchen, a nursery, and a play area!" Rock lee boasted.

"So you've been painting all this all day?" I questioned with a look of shock.

"Once it drys we will have them move into the orphanage." Kitsune spoke appearing behind me.

"K-Kitsune sama!" I had flinched harshly.

"How are the kids." He asked quickly.

"Everything has been taken care of per your orders and we made sure they all have new clothes and are currently being fed to the fullest." I explained.

"Excellent. We will most likely have to find somewhere for them to stay for a little bit. Even after the paint drys we still need to install electricity and running water into the building." He muttered to himself.

"What do you suggest Kitsune-sama?" I asked.

"We'll clean up the Uchiha compound and make some temporary space for them. Collect team 8 and some other chunin to start cleaning up." Kitsune ordered me and lee.

"Yes sir!" Lee cheered happily as he bounced off and I groaned as I went after him.

Itachi pov

A thousand thoughts were going through my head as I painted the insides by myself. How did all of this happen? It's wasn't supposed to end like this!

"Itachi." I heard a voice speak from behind me.

"Master!" I flinched harshly and lowering my head.

"I'm having Shikamaru and some chunin a clean out the Uchia compound so we can have the kids stay there for a bit. I need you and Deidara to take care of them while they stay there." He explained.

"As you wish." I replied not lifting my head.

"Good boy~" he chuckled mockingly.

"Here's some money to buy those kids what they need." He said handing me the cash before walking away.

"Deidara?" I called softly as I came outside.

"Yeah." He responded boerdly.

"Kitsune-sama wishes for us to help with the orphans." I explained.

"Alright." He said before nodding towards the others as we left.

We met up with Neji at the barbecue and waited for the kids to finish eating.

"Do you guys want to go shopping or head to the compound?" Deidara asked them with a soft smile.

" Shopping!" They all cheered happily.

At least with shopping it would give them more time to get the place ready.

We bought an assortment of foods and a few new clothes as well. We were also able to get some better shoes for them. By the time we finished the kids were tierd and it was getting late. I carried one of the younger kids while holding the hand of another while Deidara and Neji gave piggy back rides to some kids who had already fallen asleep.

By the time we arrived the chunin had left and everything was spot less. We pulled out the futons and got all the kids ready for bed quickly.

"There should be some toys around here. I'll go grab some for tomorrow." I said as me and Deidara picked our rooms.

Unbeknownst to Deidara he was staying in Sasuke's old room. And I was staying in mine.

I was just about to leave when he spoke.

"Why are you always so weird?" He spat at me.

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