Chapter 1

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CW: Transph0bia

"What the fuck is wrong with you."
"Me? There are plenty of things wrong with you."
The door swung open. They didn't notice at first, but as soon at Laura looked over they both did.

Finn was staring at his parents who had froze at the sight of him. "Finn!" His mother had said. She quickly put her hands at her sides and pretended like nothing was happening. "I thought you weren't going to be home till later"
"Guess I decided I wanted to be home now."

Before anyone could say anything else, a low voice muttered, "Go to your room."
"Wait, no." he paused for a moment to think.
"Leave this house."
"What do you mean," Finn said loudly.
"I mean I'm sick and tired of putting up with your shit."

This wasn't an unusual sight to see. Finn had, had many arguments like this with his dad. Even when he wasn't this drunk.
"What shit?"
"We'll to start off, the fact that you come home late."
"At least I said I was going to, you just left one day." Finn had realized what he said and stepped back a bit.

Every part of Neil's body clenched as he looked down at Finn."Your no son of mine."
"Neil-" Pandora was stopped.
"No! You're a girl and you will always be a girl," Neil spat out. Finn was just standing there taking it all in, like he had done for years.

"I don't need a tranny in my house." Finn was starting to get redder. "Stop acting like a boy when you're a girl."

Finn was at his breaking point. He swung at Neil, decking him in the nose, causing him to bleed. Neil pushed him down. "Don't try me." Before any warning, Finn ran upstairs and slammed the door. Rummaging through his things, quickly throwing it all in a bag, eyes watering, not even letting a tear out before running downstairs.

He noticed they were still standing the bottom of the stairs but he didn't care. He ran past both of them, then slammed the door behind him. Not even looking back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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