Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

In Morning

Avu Sept in sid room and sid's chest. Then suddenly Sunrises come in avu's eyes and Then she wake up and start staring sid and hold sid and say

Avu : Sid Good Morning. Now wish me also Say sid " Good Morning Avu ". Say na sid? Say?
sid now wake up sooon I can't wait more it’s been 5 Months please wake up or else Iam saying you. I will leave you and gone away from you. Understand Tears come from avu's eyes but she said bit angrily

Then Avu saw sid tears come from sid eyes.Avu saw and cupped sid's face and wipped his tears and say

Avu : Sid sid don’t cry. Please please please please sorry. Sorry. Soorry sid. Please don’t cry you know na. Iam not able to leave without you. So how will I leave you. Iam not leaving you sid. Sid Iam just kidding really. Please Iam not going away from you. Understand

Avu said and saw sid's face. Now sid is normal now. Then she take a relieve believe. Then avu gone washroom and got ready. She come to room and looking sid

Avu's prov : How I forgot that doctor said that you can hear all things. That's Because of that you did react. But Sid I will not going anywhere . Iam not going away from you. I understand sid. Sid I understand I Know It’s so late but I understand . That " I love you ". Yeah. " I love you Siddharth nigam" I Love you sid. I know It's now late Because you are not in position that you can give me answer that you love me or not. But Iam waiting sid. Sid Iam waiting because Iam not going to leave you. I  really love you. Just Because of you I was now here. I was in this house because you sid. I really really really really happy today because I understand that "I love you".sid when you will be recover then I will tell you everything sid .. Everything Just waiting for you sid and your answer. Iam really missing you sid. Iam really missing my cute innocent childish sid. Who Start upset in small small things and your  stubbornness. Your cute things . Your favourite cortone Shinchan and doremon

I remember I can't forgot that all things. Your cuteness. I remember that one it’s so much cute

When I was come from office and you are in home


Avu's prov : Iam going home from office and I want to what was he doing. But Iam sure that he will doing some his childish things I know. He is like that

Then Iam gone to house and going our room and saw

Sid is watching his cartons. He watching doremon and saying

Sid : I also want this doremon pocket . I also want this Door that we can anywhere. We want to. I think I have to gon Japan. To search this Doremon pocket. Hmm I think It's really good idea.

Iam laughing to saw that he want doremon pocket.

Avu's prov end

It’s Your author favourite cartons. My favourite cartons Doremon and Shinchan. It’s my lifeline.  I think chapter 5 I was Mentioned shinchan then I feel that I was mentioned shinchan then Doremon will be upset Because I didn’t added him on my book. So Was added him also hehe

You know guys your author is really mad. Hehe

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