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Caitlin Snow's family:Caitlin  sister to Kara Danvers,Kara Danvers,Lana Lang,Nora Allen-West;wife of Lana Lang with other female family members and friends were present at the Lana Lang-Allen-West home.Elizabeth Keen's friends were also present.

"I've someting to tell you guys."Caitlin said with a

hint of uneasiness in her voice.
"What is it?"Maggie Sawyer asked.
" I'm marry Elizabeth Keen."Caitlin Snow replied.

"Are you serious?"Oliver Queen asked with a smile on his face.He was Caitlin's best friend,he liked Elizabeth Keen.
"Yes,I am."Caitlin Snow confirmed.
"That's great news!!"Queen cheered.
"I'm not surprised.I heard you've been engaged for years now."Gideon Rambeau commented.
"Yeah and she's wonderful."Kara said.

Odette,Chloe Decker and Felicity Smoak were having fun with their cousins:Lena Luthor,Maria Hill,Natasha Romanoff,Alex Danvers;Alex Danvers is Maggie Swayer's daughter.

"Hey Odette!"Oliver Queen yelled.He saw Odette playing with Chloe Decker and Alex Danvers he had no idea what she was doing he was curious.

"Uncle Oliver"Odette called out happily.

"Hello Odette"Oliver Queen said approaching Odette and crouching down in front of her.

"Hi Uncle Oliver!"Odette smiled at Oliver.

"So you're my big brother huh?"Oliver Queen joked.

"Yeah,that's right!"Odette giggled "I think you can call me Odette though."Odette said giggling.

"Well Odette I guess I should introduce myself to you since you are my friend's kid."Oliver Queen said.

"Okay."Odette replied.

"My name is Oliver Queen,I'm your uncle."Oliver Queen said.

"Oh,okay Uncle Oliver."Odette replied.

"So Odette,you want me to teach you on how to be an archer?"Oliver asked.

"Yes please Uncle Oliver!"Odette said eagerly.

"Alright,alright.let's start after your two mommies becomes a family.

"Oliver Queen grinned."After I get permission from them."

Then Oliver Queen returned to be with his friends,Clint Barton  and Oliver became best friends and brothers because they are archers.

Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne chat with laughter drinking soda.

Peter Parker and Michelle Jones talked with each other,Stephen Strange and Stephen Strange talked with each other and Peter Parker and Ned Leeds laughed together.