Fenrys < Life Bonds>

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You could consider this as another part of the Father Rowan oneshot ish its going to be where you find out Fenrys is your mate and your father is happy for the both of you
this is going to be an even longer one. There is going to be a part two that will have adult content. You can skip it if you are not comfortable with that just a heads up.

You all woke up a few hours after Aelin left and sat in the main sitting area together, talking about any and everything. Aeling knew how much you had loved all of the Cadre and Fenrys the most. She knew that they were on their way to spend a few weeks here just to spend time with everyone again. They usually did this once every other month but this past year had been busy for everyone and they had not been able to get everyone together for a while and you didn't think that there would be time to get everyone together this month either. You understood that sometime there are just more important things that needed to be taken care of before you are able to just sit around and talk about nonsense. What you didn't know was that they were coming up this time. You were a semi- social person, meaning that you are very talkative and such when you are in the company of people that you now, love, and or trust. Those people being mostly the people that you grew up around. You were very close to your cousin Arrone, Aedion's son, the Cadre clearly, the thirteen and Dorian, Yrene and Chaol, and your parents and Aedion. Of course there were others like Elide and Lysandra, that you were still very close too but not quite as close.

You had amazing hearing, even for the Fae, so when you heard the door open naturally you went on high alert. But soon catching the beautiful scent of Redwood and Cedar you knew that Fenrys was here and soon getting all of the others scents as well, you rushed down to meet them. " I think she figured it out." Said Aelin as she and Rowan got up to follow you. You ran all the way through the castle as fast as your legs would carry you, and when you didnt feel that was fast enough you made the wind push you faster. In a matter of a few minutes you had made it to them and were currently hugging Fenrys, and your parents soon made their way down into the same room. They had started making asumptions on who your mate was when you still very small. Now that you were grown up more their toughts were only getting stronger. Out of everyone they knew and their children even, you had shown major favor towards only one of them. Fenrys.

They were not going to say that it was abolute but they had their reasonings towards it. For one thing, You always seemed to be in love with the scent of Cedar and Redwood, claiming that it always gave you a homey feel. At first they had never really thought much of this, but as you got older and closer to the White Wolf, they started to find this odd as you kept saying that. You still do. You have always hugged him longest or most often, if you weren't with your father you were with Fenrys. And if he wasn't with either Connall or Gavriel he was with you. They didn't mind it. they trusted Fenrys more than anything. Aelin most, he helped her in a great time of need.

They still didn't want to make any asumptions though so they were going to wait and see how it all played out. But they were secretly happy thinking about you two being together. Gavriel also saw this hearing it from his sone and Aelin told Aedion everything almost. You all waked back into the room that you had just flew out of and gathered around a mid sized table. You sat on a two seater couch with Fenrys across form your parents. Gavriel sat with Aedion along with Lysandra on a three seater couch across from Elide Lorcan and Connall. Fenrys though soon shifted into a wolf and laid his head comfortably in your lap while Tracker laid by your mothers feet comfortably. You ran your small hands through the soft fur that belonged to Fenrys. Letting out a small almost inaudable sound out of comfort and relaxation.

You looked down and smiled fondly at the large wolf and then looked back up to ask where Arrone was, Aedion had said that he was off somewhere with Connall's son Remus. Nodding you turn once more to take in the rare and soft sight of Fenrys fully relaxed. You started to notice that it was only with you that he was like that. You chalked it up to a thing of chance and thought nothing more of it. You soon started to ask what it was like in Doranelle and Mistward, and Wendlyn. You had always wanted to go there for as long as you could remember. Often asking your parents if you could travel back to there when the Cadre had to leave, often being told that you were needed to stay in Terresen. Why you didn't know you didn't do anything other than read and train, all things you could do in there but you didn't want ot upset your parents because you did value their opinions on the events that were happaning in your life. You didn't follow them 100% but you knew and understood that they had been in similar situations and had a lot of wisdom beyond their years that you didn't have. They had fought fot the world, the most you had fought for was a book that Arrone had taken from you for ignoring him.

This time was no different. "Can I ride to Doranelle with Fenrys and Connall in a few weeks?" Fenrys popped his head up to the sound of your voice as if to say ' I'm listening too' Your parents had looked at each other and then back at the wolf eagerly wagging his tail and then finally up to meet your eyes. "So long as you write us when you get there, write us frequently while there and stay safe, then you may go. I think you are ready enough now." Your father said both you and Fenrys shot up and thanked Rowan and Aelin. Every one had laughed softly seeing you so estatic. You both had calmed down soon and got calm again and continued on your conversations.

Time skip
Your point of view

I had arrived in Doranelle a few weeks ago and it was beautiful, better than I could have ever imagined. The three weeks in Terrasen was spent pleasently and when I was ready to set off I had to console my parents as they were very much a wreak of emotions. It was going to be my first time off the continent, But I was so ready. I was often by the edge of the ship watching the water flow by, I was so excited that I was unintentionaly pushing the ship faster to get there. I was mostly with Fenrys and he taught me everything that they had learned fighting wise as the Cadre. I had told my parents everything that I was doing while I was here, well all other than the training that I was doing. They didn't need ot know that part. However over these few week I have started feeling different towards Fenrys, now calling him Moon Moon, I felt hot and flushed when you were around him. I also felt upset when he paid attention to any other female for literally any reason. Some fae woman had said hello when we were walking back from training and I didn't talk to him for an hour.

He also started getting more territorial over me almost. I didn't know what was happening, the only thing that I knew to compare this too was how mom and dad acted. Wait, I felt the same way about Moon Moon as my father did for my mother, was he my mate. No, he couldn't be could he, I mean I have known him my entire life but I couldn't deny the feelings I was having. I need to ask him, even if this was embarrasing, I needed to know. I ran to his room and just walked in. Thankfully he was dressed but he was startled a lttle bit. "Whats up little pup?" "How do you know when you find your mate?" "What?" He seemed to be thrown off by this question. " I said how do you know when you find your mate?" "Well first off you can only think of them, like nothing else matters," He said softly slowly walking closer to me. " You want to be around them all of the time and want to make sure that there is nothing that could ever hurt them. You hate it when there are other people are taking up the front of thier attention." He was now right in front of me looking deep into my eyes and talking so soft it was hard for even me to hear. "And if the world was ending there would be nothing that could stop you from gettng to them, to try and make them feel safe, no one could ever be more important to you. No familiar bonds could hold you back from getting to them. " He finished holding the side of my face gently.

I slowly bring my hand up to meet his as I lean into his touch soflty. I stare up into his beautiful eyes and I know now that he was my mate. "After all this time?" I asked softly "Yes, always. I knew the first time I met you,"

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