Devil's Secrets Chapter 17

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“Good morning” Cameron sang as she walked into my room. I shrieked when she opened my blinds, and once more when she began to jump on my bed.

“Go away Cam!” I begged as I rolled over and covered my eyes with my blankets.

“No way! We have to make Christmas Eve dinner for ten and I have to finish shopping for Matt’s present.

“Have fun.” I mumbled as I pulled the blankets all the way over my head. “I am to tiered to bake, shop or even move at the moment.”

“Too bad,” she ripped the blankets off of my bed and then ran out into the hall. She re-appeared a few seconds later with Matt and Clyde beside her. All three of them were carrying very large buckets of water in their hands.

“Don’t you dare!” I screamed as I curled up into a ball. They didn’t listen. On the count of two, not three, two I was showered with artic cold water. “You guys are so dead!” I screamed as I chased them out the door and down the hall.

I had almost caught up with them when my mom flung her bedroom door open, causing me to run right into her and the others to get away.

“Good morning.” My mom smiled as she gave me a hug. “It was so nice of you and Cameron to volunteer to make dinner tonight.”

“Cameron can’t cook, but she loves to try. No problem Mom, we will take care of everything.” She hugged me once more and then proceeded down the hall to the washroom.

“Who said you guys could eat my food?” I asked Cameron and Clyde as I walked into the kitchen. Cameron looked down at her giant bowl of yogurt and pointed at my brother.

“Hey, I live here to.” Matt said defensively as I punched him in the shoulder.

“So what are you guys plans for today?” Cameron asked the guys quickly, changing the subject before she got punched as well. Matt flicked a piece of black hair out of his eye and looked over at Clyde.

“I’m getting my hair cut.” He said proudly. I laughed; Matt hadn’t cut his hair since 9th grade. It would be a major understatement to say his hair was a little shaggy.

“I’m going with him to hold his hand.” Matt glared at him as he continued. “And then we are going to the gym with the rest of the guys.” Just then, Tegan and Jordan came running in yelling, “We have it!”

“Have what?” Cameron asked as Tegan walked up behind her.

“The date for the wedding silly, Jordan and I talked it over and we decided that we want to get married on New Year’s Day!”

“Really, that’s so cute! And you are leaving yourselves a lot of time to plan. I’m proud of you.” Cameron smiled while putting an arm around Tegan.

“You think a week is a long time to plan?” Jordan asked confused.

“You mean this New Year’s Day?” I asked surprised. Jordan and Tegan nodded together.

“You can’t be serious!” Cameron almost spit out her latest bit of yogurt, “Most couples take like nine months to plan their wedding. You guys can’t possibly do it in seven days.”

“We thought about that, but we already have your dresses and what we will be wearing so there really isn’t much more we need to worry about.” Jordan said confidently.

“Try food, venue and, oh, someone to marry you!” she was really getting into it now.

“We will be having it in your backyard. Sam’s mom and my mom are going to handle the food and the reverend from my church has already agreed to do the ceremony.” Tegan smiled.

“What about guests?”

“We wanted a small wedding anyway. The only people we invited are you guys and our closes family.” Jordan explained.

Cameron sighed, acknowledging that she lost the battle and turned her attention back to the giant bowl of strawberries that Matt had placed in front of her.

“Sam, you might want to tell your mom to make a little extra food. Just in case Cam eats the entire buffet table before anyone else gets there.” Clyde teased.

“Hahaha, very funny Clyde.” Cameron laughed with a mouthful of chewed up strawberries.

“Well, really Cameron, you eat like a pig.”

“That is an insult to pigs everywhere.” Matt laughed.

“Is it time for you to leave yet?” Cameron asked while looking at me. I nodded.

“Yes, why don’t you guys head out and meet us back here around four-thirty for supper.” I said while pushing Clyde out the door.

“Fine, but I expect an excellent meal when we get home.” He leaned down to kiss me.

“Oh, please,” I slammed the door in his face. “Are you ready Cam?” I asked as I walked over and took the strawberries away from her.

“That was rude!” she cried as she reached for the bowl.

“You didn’t answer my question.” I said as I put the strawberries back in the fridge.

“I guess, what’s first?”

“We have to put the turkey in because she needs to cook for the next five hours.”

“Oh my,”

“Yeah, so we should run over to your house and grab the stuff for the stuffing and the stuffed backed potatoes.”

“Wow, you just used the word stuff a lot. And don’t you have any food in your own house?” she asked as she opened the fridge.

“No, mom only buys food when we absolutely need it, and I kind of told her that you would supply the food.”

“Urgh, fine, then let’s go.”

“Alright, let me just grab my coat.”

“What are we going to do with the turkey?” she asked as we walked out the door.

“Oh, just leave it; it needs to cook for a long time anyway. We will be back in time.”


“I have sour cream in my hair!” Cameron screamed as we cleaned up the kitchen.

“Oh, don’t be a baby,” I laughed as I handed her a towel. She took it from me and began to wipe off her head and face. But as I turned around, I felt something cold and slimy land in my hair.

“Ahh” I squealed as I attempted to brush the gunk out of my hair.

“No who’s the baby?” she laughed as she tried to refrain from laughing.

“Still you,” I replied angrily. I snatched the cloth from her hands and wiped the sour cream out of my own hair. “Hey Cam, if you want to stay here and clean up, I can take these dishes back to my house and come get you later.”

“No, I want to come.” She eyed all of the food we had made “Besides, you aren’t Super Woman, you can’t carry all of those dishes by yourself.”



“You take the potatoes and the stuffing and I’ll take the cake and ice cream snow balls.” Cameron ordered as we walked up to my house.

As I walked up the steps trying to balance the dishes I had in my hands, Cameron raced in front of me and opened the door. She took a few steps in, then turned back to look at me. The expression on her face said it all, if the food she was carrying had been anything but cake and ice cream, she would have dropped it.

“Sam,” she cried, “Is your oven supposed to be on fire?”

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