Devil's Secrets Chapter 22

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“Matt what are you doing?” I heard Cameron screeched. I struggled to get to my feet but once I did I ran into the kitchen only to witness something I desperately wish I hadn’t.

“Why must you all be so stupid?” he laughed as Matt lunged forward with the dagger in hand. Skye was ready to retaliate but Matt did not notice.

“Matt stop!” I warned but he didn’t listen.

Skye’s cackle echoed as he grabbed the blade and yanked it from Matt’s grasp. He then quickly spun it around and looked Matt straight in the eye, completely ignoring the gash in his hand that he had caused himself.

“I always win.” He bellowed as he stabbed Matt straight in the chest. An ear piercing scream came from Matt but was cut off quickly as he fell limply to the floor.

I wanted to scream, wanted to blow up and release all of my hidden anger on Skye but the only thing I could do at this moment was cry. I knelt down to where my brother’s body was lying. I put a cheek to his chest. The small streams of tears flowing from my eyes mixed with the blood, the life, which was pouring out of the small rip in his shirt. There was no heartbeat, I expected that, but when I looked up at Cameron through teary eyes, her reaction is what shocked me.

A few tears had fallen from each eye but nothing even moderately close to what I was experiencing. And what I was going through wasn’t even close to what had sprung from my mother when she entered the room only seconds ago.

“Cameron,” was all that would come out before the small wailing noises that came with sobbing started up again.

I expected her to run over and kneel next to me. To wrap her arms around me and comfort me like a best friend would be expected to do. But instead she just looked at me and shook her head sadly. Skye had his arms around her and she was resting her head on his chest. If I hadn’t been crying so hard this sight would have made me vomit. Especially because the guy she was supposed to be with was now lying dead on the floor.

"Matt!” Dakota screeched as she came trotting in from the living room. Hannah came quickly behind her. Dakota’s hands went to her mouth but that hadn’t stopped her from screaming. Hannah bent down and hugged me like the older sister I never had. I looked around the room at the red faces and teary eyes of my loved ones.

Jordan and Tegan were holding each other behind me. They were both sobbing, only stopping every few minutes to blow their noses. My mom was holding Matt’s hand and crying hard into his chest. Cameron still had her head buried in Skye’s flannel shirt but it was obvious that she still was not crying. Dakota hadn’t taken her eyes of hatred off of Skye and was ruining her tough girl rep but crying just as hard as my mom. Hannah was still holding me but pulled away after a while to comfort Dakota.

And then there was Clyde. I was starting to worry when he hadn’t show up. But as I continued to scan the room, I spotted him coming out of my room and down the stairs.

“Oh my God.” He cried as he spotted me beside Matt’s lifeless body. “You!” he pointed his finger accusingly in Skye’s direction as he rushed towards him.

“Me!” Skye sang mockingly.

“How could you? I leave the room for two damn minutes and there’s someone lying dead on the floor!” Clyde’s voice booming and I was getting scared about what he was going to do next. He walked up to Skye and shoved him hard on the shoulders, causing him to stumble backwards. But he quickly recovered.

“Clyde don’t!” I screamed. But he didn’t hear me. And even if he did there was no way he cared, he was too fired up. Skye swung at him but Clyde dodged it and hit him square in the jaw.

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