Devil's Secrets Chapter 21

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 In the wild, mother animals have one thing in common, protecting their cubs. As soon as something or someone unwanted is around their child, they rush in to defend it. Some spray, some bear teeth and some lash out deathly stares.  From the minute Skye walked in the front door to the minute Clyde “politely” escorted him out, my mom’s eyes never left his. The intensity of her eyes was enough to make everyone in the room uncomfortable, even Steve.

 “What are you doing here Skye?” my step-dad asked looking back and forth between him and my mother.

 “I thought I just explained Coach V. I’m here for Christmas Eve dinner.” He smirked.

 “You weren’t invited!” Dakota snapped.

 “I guess the invite was lost in the mail eh Sammy?” he laughed as he winked at me.

 "I looked over at Matt and rolled my eyes. He just looked at me. He was standing behind Skye and to my right. Out of my peripheral vision I noticed that he was simulating stabbing Skye in the back. I quickly nodded knowing that he was asking if I wanted him to get the dagger.

 He carefully backed up making sure that Skye didn’t notice. And he didn’t. He was too busy talking with Steve and Cameron about what we were eating and how long he was permitted to stay. I only caught bit and pieces of the conversation like

 “And Snowballs with brown sugar sauce.” And “no later than seven.” But I wasn’t really paying attention. My eyes were still on Matt tiptoeing up the stairs and into my bedroom. Cameron also noticed and looked over at me curiously.

 “I’m going to check on the turkey. Would you mind joining me Sam?” she asked cautiously. I didn’t answer; instead I just followed her into the kitchen.

 “Where’s Matt going?” she asked impatiently.

 “Upstairs to get the dagger.” I whispered.

 “You’re not going to kill him are you?” she asked sadly.

 “Yes Cam, we have to.” I sighed.

 “I don’t think it’s the best idea.” She protested as she took a piece of turkey the same way Kota had earlier.

 “Yes it is.” I defended as I took the turkey and put it back into the oven to keep warm. It’s the only thing to do. He’s a threat to all of our lives. It better he goes then any one of us.” She didn’t deny it, but she didn’t agree with me either.

 I studied her face; she seemed worried about something, unsure of something. “Cam, what’s going on?”

 “Nothing,” she sighed. “I just don’t like the idea of killing him.”

 “Cam you killed his sister.” I said as I walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder. “What’s the difference?”

 “She was a bitch.” She stated as she swore for the second time in her life. “But Skye’s different. I’m sure we could work something out if you guys would just sit down and talk with him.” A tear fell from her left eye but she wiped it away quickly, hoping I wouldn’t see her cry.

 “Do you honestly think that?” I laughed.

 “No, but I wish he would. I just want to keep everyone I love safe.” She sobbed.

 “And that includes him?” I asked. She wouldn’t answer me so I took it as a yes. “Cam, do you have feeling for Skye?” I asked, desperately hoping the answer would be no. But again she said nothing, only began to cry louder. After a long while she looked up at me and nodded.

 “I wasn’t expecting it.” She began as she wiped her nose on the sleeve of her navy sweater. “But Skye did and always will have a special place in my heart. I mean, I like Matt I really do but…” she began to cry again and the rest of her words made no sense to me.

 “Oh Cammy don’t cry.” I took a minute to breathe and re-evaluate the situation. “Look, I hate to put this on you at a moment like this but either way, someone you love is going to die.” She and I both cringed at the thought. “Now it’s either going to be your best friend, your boyfriend, your twin brother or Skye.” I couldn’t say anymore or I’d begin to ball as well. She looked up at me and I could see the sadness in her eyes, there was no way she wanted to pick.

 “So when do we eat?’ Skye asked no one in particular as he strolled into the kitchen. As he slipped in, I slipped out leaving Cam to speak with him alone.

 “Cammy what happened? Why are you crying?” I heard Skye ask as I slipped out and noticed that Matt was making his way out of my room empty handed. He caught me looking at him and shrugged his shoulders, signaling that he couldn’t find it.

 I made a square with my fingers and then pointed to my feet. The dagger was in a shoe box under my bed. He looked at me with a puzzled look and then got the clue. I then put my hands together under my head as if I was sleeping and then scrunched down on my knees and pretended to look under my bed. Matt just stared at me with that same puzzled look on his face.

 Shoe box! I mouthed. He nodded. Under my bed! I mouthed again.

 “Ohhh!” he said loudly, proud of himself for getting the hints. I put my finger to my lips and signaled for him to calm down. He looked at me apologetically and then rushed off to my room

 “Sam what are we going to do about him?” Tegan asked from his seat on the floor. He and Jordan were cuddled up with Tegan’s sketchpad making some last minutes plan for the wedding.

 “We can’t continue letting him run around this city free to kill whomever he wants.”

 “I know.” I whispered in response. “Matt just went upstairs to get the dagger.”

 “He’s going to kill him here?” my mother quietly shrieked. I just noticed that Steve was no longer in the room. This lightened my mood a bit.

 “Mom we have no choice.” I wailed. “Where did Steve go?”

 “I know honey but I hate the idea of my house becoming a crime scene. So did Steve so he took the car and left hoping that when he got home all of this would blow over.” I rolled my eyes, how could such a scum bag like him have such an awesome kid like Matt. One day I’m going to have to meet his mother.

 “No one is going to know or care.” Jordan laughed nervously. And oddly enough the rest of us began to giggle as well. You can always count on Jordan for comical relief.

 As everyone was laughing I began to re assess the situation. My best friend is in love with a demon not my brother which would be the ideal situation. We have to kill him but by taking his life I would be yanking the heart out of my best friend. However if we let Skye hang around any longer the life could be taken from anyone of my friends and Jordan and Tegan have a wedding in a week. It’s final, Skye has to go and he has to go tonight.

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