What's that noise?

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With the thought that he could break into MY house at any moment, I made sure that I locked ALL doors.

When I finished, I went back upstairs into my room.

I took my squeaky slippers off and sat on the bed.
I then realized that I forgot to close my bedroom window.

I got up and went to close it.
But, before I managed to make it there, I heard a loud *knock* on the front door.

I didn't have anyone coming over today but I thought it was maybe my friend coming to surprise me.

(I was terribly wrong)

I went downstairs, forgetting to close my window and opened the front door.
There was no one there.
-I know I heard a knock on THIS door. MY door, to be exact.

"Who's there?" I yelled.

*No response*

Since, there was no response, I closed the door and made sure to lock it.
I felt like all of this was nonsense so, I went into the kitchen and got an apple out of the refrigerator and ate it.
--I was hungry.

When I finished, I went back upstairs.
I opened the door to my room and my entire mood changed in the blink of an eye.
-There was not enough words to describe how I felt in this exact moment.

Someone had got into my house without my permission and vandalized my room.
At that moment, I was pissed.

Who the hell broke into my house and why did they do it.

After comprehending what happened.
-I knew there was only one person who would do something so cruel.
It had to be my "date" from this morning.

He had snuck into my window while I was distracted by the noise at the front door.

It was kinda my fault for not closing the window but he still shouldn't have broke in without consent.

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