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These things were leaving me overwhelmed.
I had no place to go but my friend.
Most of the time, she either is not home or busy at home, shes a outgoing person.
-She was my only hope for now so, I got back inside my car, locked all doors and called her.


After the call, I got super excited.
She said "Of course girl, I got you."
(Those words sound promising don't they?)


I cranked up the car and drove to her house.
-When I arrived there, she was already on the porch, waiting for me.
We both ran to each other and hugged.
"Im sorry baby" I shook my head while entering her house.
We had a very long conversation and I told her about my report on Mark and all that stuff.
-She showed me to my room. I was surprised to see that she had already supplied me with clothes, a bed, slippers and my own bathroom.
The room was even decorated in my style too.
It was like she already knew I was coming before I even told her the situation I was in.
I was kind of weirded out from this but I didn't think much of it because she's my best-friend. She practically knows everything about me.
-She must have been waiting for this day to come so we could hang out together in the SAME house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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