Chapter 2

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Demi's p.o.v

"Hey what are you doing?" "What's in your hands? What is it? Why is it moving....." Before I could even finish I hear a baby crying. Then the girl just throws what ever is in her hands in the trash and takes off running. I was hesitant about following her but I wanted to see what she threw in the trash. I know your probably thinking Demi what the hell is wrong with you. You can't just go over there and be curious. Don't you know that Curiosity killed the cat, yes I know but really want to know what she threw. I start walking towards the can and the loud sounds of a child crying become louder than ever. But that didn't make sense to me like who would put their child in the trash and take off running. As I get in front of the can a sudden fearfulness comes upon me, maybe this isn't a good idea what if someone jumps out and kills me then there goes My life My lovatics My family. You know what I'm not gonna look I'm just gonna run to my car and pretend this night ever happened yup that's what I'm gonna do. No what's wrong with you Demi get your self together you can do this you are gonna do this. I look in and see the most beautiful thing ever it's a gorgeous adorable baby girl she is just to cute. I pick her up she looks in my eyes and smiles in that moment I knew that she had to be my baby girl and I had to be her mommy. I scooped her in my hands and headed to my car, I start the car and realize I don't have a car seat or anything at all for her. I need to figure out what I'm gonna do I don't want to tell anybody yet because I'm afraid they might try to take her away for me and I can't do that because I love her already. I finally decided that I'm gonna just keep her in my lap and pray I get to babies r us in one peace. As I see the sign I sigh out in relief I had made it there safe and my baby was ok. The first thing I do once I get in the store is get a car seat so that I can put her down and can continue to shop her everything else she needs I get diapers, wipes, binkys, baby blankets, baby clothes &shoes and 4 bottles and what ever she was gonna need. I know you're probably wondering Demi why didn't you get baby milk I didn't get it because in the store they had this medicine where it makes your breast produce milk and you know I'm all about what's best for my baby so I'm gonna take it. I pay and get everything in the car and call the people to set up my baby girls nursery i strapped her in and got in the front I open the medicine and drink it. It actually wasn't that bad I look at my phone and see that it's just 6:30 so that means I still have time to call CPS and make my baby girl legally mine I call them and they tell me all I have to do is come and sigh the papers. It's times like this I'm glad in Demi Lovato I get there sigh everything and they tell me that I even get to name her I named her Delaney Desiree Lovato I wanted her to have DDL like her mommy. By the time we get home the set up people have left and it's after 10 and all I want to do is sleep but I know I can't not yet at least because Delaney has to get a bath I mean remember I did find her in the trash. So I lay her on my bed and go in the bathroom and run the bath I undress and turn of the water and go to get my baby I undress her and head to the bathroom I gently get in the tub I push her to my chest as I lean forward to grab her baby rag as I'm about to move her away her little mouth attaches to my left nipple and she begins to suck . At first to be honest I didn't think it was gonna work but I stand corrected I sit there and continue to let her suckle at my nipple. At this moment I know what my momma means when she says to have a special bond with your child.... I get brought out of my thought as I hear the doorbell ring I wonder who that could be I wasn't expecting anybody

***who do you thinks at the door***

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