Chapter 1

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     I gasped, my eyes opening to bright shining lights. I coughed a little and reached up my arm and blocked the glare of the light so my eyes could adjust. I blinked hard and looked around. "What kind of dream was that?" I thought to myself. "No...that wasn't a dream" I touched my chest, I could still feel the crunch of my ribs when he stabbed me...the blade piercing through my flesh. I was dead..? I looked around as someone bumped my shoulder. 

"Hey- wha?" the shadow moved by me without a sound but had brushed by me like I hadn't been there.

I looked around at the shadows all around me, all of them seeming to be staring away from me. I glanced around. 

"A...train statio-" I was cut off by the sound of all the shadows going "shhhhhh" at the same time.

"...ok..weird" I thought to myself. "So I'm kind of aether train station?" I glanced around, suddenly aware of the weight on my back. I reached over my shoulder and grabbed the neck of my guitar. I pulled my hand back down, slipping it into my pocket. "At least I've got that still..." I thought with a smile. A train pulled in as a voice came over the intercom "Northern and Waterloo and City Lines, and National Rail Services. This train terminates at Stanmore."

"...Stanmore.." I mumbled softly.

The shadows all started moving to the train, I was shoved forwards from the many behind me.

"Hey!- where's everyone goi- I..." I stopped resisting and stepped onto the train, bodies crowded around me, whispering to one another. 

"I guess it doesn't really matter much now.." I thought, leaning against the train door and resting my eyes as the rumble of the train against tracks thumped in my chest and rung through my body. The steady repetition of the low hum lulled me into a calm state of almost sleep. I relaxed as I realized my cares were all gone, I no longer had to care about people stealing my country from me or hurting me and my frie-

I opened my eyes, looking down. " friends..." I thought, looking out the window next to me. "...Tommy..." I felt my chest heave with guilt. "No. It's not my fault. They'll be better off without me." I confirmed for myself. I closed my eyes again but no longer felt as relaxed, I'd ruined the comfort by thinking about how I had no more worries. Although I didn't have to worry about anyone else anymore, deep down I knew I still cared. I laid my head against the door again and hummed softly. 

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