"get up!"

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                          joel x y/n
                    angst??, very sad

it all happened so fast. the nice girl and her crew were welcoming us into their area of housing, the next second Tommy was knocked out, Joel was shot in the leg bleeding out, and i was being held down and kicked repeatedly. i couldn't hear what was happening around me, my whole body hurt. i was kicked in the ribs, a couple ribs were definitely broken, along with my nose. Joel sat there, getting a tourniquet on his leg. he was almost growling in pain, it made me want to throw up.
"please, don't do this. we can figure this out. everything that he's done, i've helped him or did it for him. it's me that you want not him!" i pleaded. the strong blonde walked towards me, she looked at me with disgust. she shooed away the two men who were holding me down. she bent down to my level
and laughed in my face.
"you... you're fucking pathetic. taking up for a monster? you are one yourself," she spat, before kicking me in my already broken nose. i cried out in agony, as my vision went blurry for a second. Joel groaned.
"don't fucking touch her!" he yelled as loud as he could. a Spanish man laughed, walking over to me and kicking me at least ten times in the stomach. i felt like i was going to throw up, i turned my head to throw up. only blood came out.
"this is all my fault baby, i'm so sorry" Joel cried, closing his eyes in defeat.
"i-it's okay. don't worry, just relax okay?" i responded, trying to calm him down. he took a few deep breathes. i closed my eyes, accepting the fact that we were both going to die here. i was in my own world, quiet, lonely, when i was awoken out of it. i opened my eyes to see the blonde muscular girl, with a golf club. she beat Joel over the head with it multiple times.
"FUCK YOU! JACKSON IS GOING TO FIND YOU, AND KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!" i screamed hoarsely. the blonde girl didn't stop her assault, i got a few laughs and looks from her crew. i hear a door creak open, and a fight break out. i heard a familiar child-like groan. oh fuck, ellie??
"get off me!" she growled as the group pinned her down. one guy starting kicking her.
"i'm gonna kill all of you," i said shakily.
"YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING DIE!" she screamed in pain.
"let them go," she demanded. it was all white noise to me. i didn't know what was happening. i tried to shut it out. the man and the blonde had a 30 second quarrel, before the blonde started to lift up her club.
"Joel, get up. Joel fucking get up," Ellie begged. he didn't respond, he just stared at his two girls blankly. he was already dead, the final hit would just make the eminent death shorter.
"please stop! please..." Ellie sobbed
"Joel please get up!" she sobbed as the girl raised her golf club. she lowered it, his scull cracking open. that immediately made me cough up more blood, before i let out a gut wrenching cry.

"that's the last thing i remember," i concluded to Tommy. he was heart broken, wiping a tear or two off his face. he was a major softie, he never was afraid to cry.
"you haven't spoken to Ellie since?" he asked, mildly concerned.
"nope, i cant. i failed her, i had the chance to help him and i didn't. i gave up, i accepted defeat before it was finalized," i said. Tommy gave me a hug. i sobbed into his chest, i couldn't hardly breathe. my world was gone, my whole world. it's like the oxygen was being ripped from my lungs. Tommy cooed a few "it's okay"'s here and there. i backed up, pulling out of the huge. Tommy was ready for whatever i needed. i wiped some tears off my face.
"Ellie wants revenge, but i- i want so much more than that. i won't stop until all of them are gone. i won't think another thought until i skin them all and feed them to the wolves," i stated angrily. i grabbed my backpack before turning towards Tommy.
"by the end of this, the wolves won't exist." i said before slamming the door behind me.

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