lets go

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!brother in law! tommy x y/n
   sad, angst

I sat at the kitchen table of me and joel's formerly shared house. it was cold, and dark. i stared at a polaroid of me and joel that ellie took. he had his hands around my waist, giving me a hug from behind and kissing my cheek as i laughed. i let a few tears escape, but i wiped them away quickly. i sniffed as i closed my eyes, trying to remember what joel's voice sounded like. i dont know why i couldn't hear it, whether it was the sheer fact that i didn't want to, or i just couldn't.
"fuck this," i whispered to myself hoarsely, banging my hand on the table before standing up. just after i had stood up, i heard a quiet tap at the front door. i groaned as i debated on if i should answer or not. i eventually came to the conclusion that i should, just incase it was joel, ready to come back. i slowly opened the door, cold air blowing in.
"hey... can i talk to you for a sec?" tommy said as he scratched the back of his neck, the black eye and cuts in his face prevalent. i nodded lightly as i held out my hand, to welcome him in. he sighed in response, trudging in and making his way to the dinner table. i went over to the candle lamp that i had and turned it on. the room lit up just enough. i walked over to sit beside him.
"Ellie wants to go after em, and the lord knows i do to. i have everything ready to go, all i need is you." Tommy sighed, his eyes teary.
"you really want to do this?" i questioned, who knew how armed the WLF were, and how far we would have to go.
"yes. i do, Mariah won't let Ellie go so i'm sneaking out," he told me. i sat in thought for a second.
"can you hear his voice?" i asked.
"do you remember what his voice sounds like?"
tommy didn't respond. he picked his backpack up off the floor and pulled out a cassette tape. he handed it to me, it was labeled in marker "from: joel to:y/n". i stare at the tape, and then at tommy.
"listen to it," he told me, handing me a cassette player, with earbuds attached. it looked a lot like ellie's. i put the casset in the player, and out the earbuds in. tommy got up, and said "i'm gonna walk around for a couple" i nodded in response as he got up and started looking at the photos on the wall. i turned around to face forward at the table. i sighed, then pressed play.
"hey- it's joel. me and tommy are about to head out to the look out and i just wanted to say how much i love you and miss you. tommy goin back but i'm going to go to ellie's for a movie right after this so i won't see you till the morning. i'll have tommy give this to ya, but again i love you hun and i'll see you in the morning-" the recording cut off into static. my bottom lip quivered, as i choked back tears. i felt like i was going to throw up, but all i did was started sobbing. i held my face in my hands as i just raw cried, i haven't felt anything at all since joel's death. this was the first time i've let out the emotions that i had to get out. tommy came rushing over, he wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug, as he rubbed my back. after about a second i pulled back from the hug and stood up. i cleared my throat and wiped the tears from my face.
"i'll go with you, let me change and grab some shit and we'll go," i stated, i didn't wait for him to reply. i walked up the stairs, changed and grabbed my things.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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