bakugou (angst)

10 1 0

Toxic relationship. Cheating. Swearing. Tonna red flags

"Katsuki! I'm home and uhm.. I bought take out noodles, It's spicy like usual!" You sung out the usual before setting noodle containers on the counter before seeing your boyfriendo rush down the stairs in a styled suit before looking at you "hey sweetie, I have a night out with the boys though.." he said before his phone buzzes. looking at him read the text he smiled, put his phone in his pocket, and left without saying goodbye

"Babe?.." you shuffled over to where he had just been standing before reaching out to the door. You didn't have to open the door to know he had just left, well if he's so excited and dressed up to go to a 'boys night out' then fine. You decided to throw his noodles into a the bin before scooping yours up and calling kiri to see if he wanted to play [game] with you, mostly dazed in anger you forgot that kirishima would probably be at the "night out"

"Oh my god.. I'm so sorry kirishima did I interrupt your night out?" He hummed in confusion "what do you mean y/n? Sero, denki, and me are at my house, bakugou said he was occupied" you got more angry "he just said he was going on a boys night out!" Kirishima seemed a bit shook "he wouldn't lie to you would he" sero said in the background "oh yea sorry I have you on loud speaker" hearing kiri respond. you sighed "it's fine, you all should know anyways, can I come over? It's just kinda heart breaking that... He would lie to me" you hear a few murmurs amongst the boys until denki pipes up in the background "do you want us to pick you up? Since baku left he would've taken the car." Realisation hit you, he had took your car under your name too. "Yeah, thanks" as the call ended kirishima had texted

Shark boy

Shark boy
Denki and I'll come pick you up, be ready in five!

Thanks for the heads up
Do I need to bring anything?

Shark boy
Only a ps4 controller, your phone, and maybe a charger + plug incase denki is too tired

Psh! Denki is never tired.
I'll go get my stuff


You were waiting on the steps when Kirishima and Kaminari had pulled up, honking the horn you piped your head up and smiled. Standing up you got in the backseat and placed your bag in the middle. Doing you seatbelt as Kiri started the car he suggests "why don't i call Baku? See what boys are in on the boys night out." You smile softly at the fact that they care for your relationship "yeah sure, hand me the phone" as Kami hands you Kirishima's phone he unlocks it quickly before it slips into your hand.

You'd recognise the contact name Bakugou bro and pressed the call icon, holding it beside both denki and kiris face so they didn't take their eyes off the road. To your suprise he picked up "What do you want?" He grunted, you could hear girls laughing and chattering in the background, it sounded like they were inches away too, talk about 'boys' I just hope he's not cheating "hey Bakubro! Wondering where you were" Denki looked back and forwards from the road and you, he hesitated before answering Kiri's question I'm at theld club, what do you want?" Now Kiri was nervous, for you and your relationship, bakugou sounded drunk enough you'd guess he spill where and who he's with "I'm with some sluts to get away from a slut" he slurred his words before you could hear women in the background, it was now angry murmurs, you could hear the ladies chatter fade before katsuki yells inaudible words and hangs up. You'd guessed the women got offended and he was calling them back. You couldn't believe what you'd heard, was your husband really cheating on you with what he'd called sluts? Worser, he called YOU a slut. Tears poured down your face with followings of hiccups and sobs. Denki and Kirishima share a look before denki softly pats your knee "we're here for you.."

(Authors note incoming!)

YES I AM BACK! And yes I should've contained both author notes in the request page but it doesn't hurt nobody does it? I'll rant the rest on my request page so I don't cause you any trouble though
Thank you for reading<3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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