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If I could tell my young self anything,
I'd tell her this:
Your experiences may influence you,
But they do not define you.
Yes, you will be affected by the people that you meet,
And the words that they speak,
But these will be but a fraction of the things,
That make you into the person you are today.

Baby girl, you are made up of art and music and books and sunsets,
You are made up of every little precious moment,
That made you see possibility in the ordinary.
I hope you know that your soul is made up of stardust,
And that you make this world a little more magical just by being in it.

I hope you learn to embrace the things that make you feel insecure and I hope you learn to be proud of yourself for how far you have come and for the fact that no matter how many times you wanted to give up, you are still here.

You are still breathing.
You are still growing.
You'll get there.
It's ok.
Live a life you're proud of.
Do it for you.


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