little things in love

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When it comes to love,
There are some things you should ask yourself:
How does he talk to the cashier?
When he sees someone coming on a narrow path does he move out of the way?
Does he open doors? Not just for you, but for everyone?
What does he know about respect?
Does he respect your boundaries?
Does he listen?
Does he make people feel valued?
If you were to have a child, could you co-parent with him?
How does he act when he thinks no one is watching?
Does he read?
Does he find wonder and joy in the little things?
How does he lean politically?
Does he see the innate humanity in everyone around him?
What about the environment? Does he care about the impact he has?
Does he try to be more ethical and sustainable in the way he lives?
Does he think deeply?
Is he willing to admit when he is wrong?
Is he willing to tell you when he thinks you're wrong and you need to reconsider? And can he do it in a matter that is thoughtful and respectful?
What is he like when he's angry?
Does injustice make his blood boil?
Can he see things from the perspectives of others? Or does he think he has the right to tell the stories of others better than they can?
Does he make you cry?
Does he blame you when he cries?
Can he hold a decent conversation?
Do your core values align?
Does he feel like family?
Does he draw you closer to the people you care about or further away? Does he isolate you?
Does he ask thoughtful questions?
Does he have a thirst for learning and knowledge?
Does your soul know and love him on a deep level?
Can you be yourself around him?
Do you feel you have to act or be a certain way to keep him happy?
Does he see responsibility as something that is shared?
Is he accountable and can he take responsibility for his own actions?
Do you feel safe with him?
Do you feel as though he would take advantage of you?
Can you sleep peacefully beside him?
Could you see yourself sharing a home with him?
What's his personal hygiene like?
Does he understand general female anatomy?
Does he understand what steps are necessary to make sure you don't unintentionally get pregnant?
Does he understand that sometimes your body and your emotions are not on the same page?
Can he give you alone time when you need it?
Does he have his own life and interests outside of you?
Does he need you in his life or does he want you? In other words, is he dependent on you like some kind of man child?
Love may feel like ecstasy, but in the long run, it is the small, ordinary, everyday things that make the biggest difference.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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