Prologue: Where I Roam

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I watch them, all of the bustling beings that walk so freely on the streets. They don't even appreciate it, they just go by on their phones not giving a care about the person next to them. They're not open to the world, so closed off in their own to notice how wondrous the outside world really is.

I bet they don't even care that they can hear their own foot steps.

Who would anyway, death isn't on their radar? I miss the sounds I could make, splashing in puddles and listening to my footfalls while I danced about without a care of who was watching. I guess I didn't care when I still had a heart beat. It's still something I regret not paying more attention to the music my own body created.

A man brushed across my arm, of course I didn't block him but it never seemed to be pleasant for the living. Immediately he retracted, his rouged features scrunching up tight. I swear he looked straight into my eyes yet he just looked away and kept a move on, absently rubbing at the spot that swooshed through me. That's what happens when you touch the dead, you feel the sadness and death that hang in the air around us and ultimately it scares you away. Nobody wants to face their own mortality, hell neither did I, but tough.

For me on the other hand, well I felt energized, somewhat whole again. It's a strange thing, maybe contact with the living gives me comfort or is it their energy that seeps into what forces that hold me here?

Touch didn't happen as much as one might think 'cause like I said people can sense the aura the dead put off and it repels them, so even in the busy streets of New York I was rarely walked through or brushed against.

I wasn't the biggest fan of the big city, I was always more of a country side girl if you know what I mean. Big flashy lights never interested me much, never dreamed of traveling to a city that never sleeps to awaken my talents. I just wanted a simple life, to bundle up in my art studio, drink my coffee, and read. Was that too much to ask of the universe? I didn't even want to bug the people around me, I was always more of an introvert anyway.

But now, now I craved to interact with anyone, just one conversation, for someone to notice me.

I wouldn't even be in this city if it weren't for the bond. It's hard to explain but I have had this sense, kind of like I was being dragged in a certain direction ever since I woke up next to my own body. And over the months I've noticed it switches paths, changing all times of the day. I made it to the pull once, imagine my surprise when it brought me to the same man that ended my world as I knew it.

There he was, vulnerable as ever, sleeping like a baby in some random home in Massachusetts. At first I didn't even know what to do, should I cry or scream, try and kill him? I did none of that though, instead I stood there all night and when he began to stir I fled like a bat out of hell.

So now my life pretty much consists of following the him around, honestly I don't think I could get to far from him, the pull is so strong. Day to day I watch him from afar, stalking really. I don't understand why but I have nothing better to do with my life, or what is left of it.

I gave up searching for answers as to why I was still stuck to this Earth. I'd never met another ghost my whole time as one. And honestly I'm tired of being nothing, someone that no one even sees, someone nobody knows exists. Do I even really exist?

I'm so sick of being dead.


Just a preview nothing special.

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