Hi Fam!

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Feels like its been years since the last time I was here but it feels good to be back. To be honest I have been so caught up with unnecessary things and one of my resolutions for this year was that ill continue writing, I feel like this is one place where I get to pour out my heart and get real, there's just something about writing, especially when you write about God.

My life is not perfect and I don't know it all but I just want to share what I've learnt my whole life up until now and I Know it will help one or two people if not all. All I can say I've seen God in my life and I would never have made it if it wasn't for him, I honestly don't know what would have become of me. God is alive, He exists and if you don't believe this then just replay your journey and you'll see that He has been there and sometimes you wont even know He's there but He has always been there, Always.

I hope that y'all have also challenged yourselves to do something this year that you enjoy and that glorifies the Lord. You know what you're good at, You know what you've been holding back and You know God has been talking to you about it. I think that most if not all of us have talents or things we can do for God, but we are just scared, we are not sure if we should do it and we  do not know if we can do it right but one thing you should know is that God will help you with whatever He wants you to do.

If You know that You can sing or preach ,then go out there and shine the world is waiting for you. There is no better time than now. Whatever you do this year, just make sure you serve God. I feel like the way God has showed up in my life, I owe Him my life. I don't think there's anything I can do that will ever measure to all He has been doing for me. You never know, You can make a difference and change someone's life.

God has been there for You from day one and He has been doing the most, What are you doing for Him?

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