Fav Scripture

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Hi Fam I hope you are all still good. There is a scripture Id like to share, a scripture that helped me in 2021.

Isaiah 45: 2 

"I will go before you and will level the mountains, I will  break down gates of bronze and cut trough bars of iron"

You know there are times in life where you feel like nothing is working out, times when You don't know what to do or who to turn to, when you feel like giving up. I had few of those moments and this scripture gave me strength.

This is God assuring you that nothing will stand in your way, and even if it does He will remove it. He is simply saying that He will make a way, He will go before you, He will get there before you and make things easier for you so when you get there you wont have to struggle like you were supposed to, God is saying He has been to the places you're going to, He already knows what awaits you there  and everything is already taken care of. He is saying there is nothing He cant do for You, He will do the impossible for You and there will be a way where there is no way.

Whenever I read this scripture, I felt like God was telling me not to worry, that everything will be taken care of and things will work out. And above all else, I felt like he was saying that I should trust Him to do what He says He will do. I felt that assurance, each and every word on this scripture made me feel so safe that God would make sure.

Nothing is bigger than God and nothing will ever be. Please share your fav scriptures, the ones that carry you through tough times.

Stay blessed and protected, and don't forget to pray.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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