Being Alone

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Hey fam Hope Y'all  are still doing great,just wanna share something and I hope it helps.

Mark 1:35 (KJV)  And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.

Another version puts it this way"And very early in the morning while it was still dark, Jesus got up"

What I've picked up from this passage is that when Jesus went out He went alone and he did it while it was still dark and this is what we as human have to learn to do at one point in our lives.Sometimes You just have to do things alone,take a break from  social media,Have Your own spot where You disappear to,Have that alone time with God and ask him what He wants You to do and what He wants You to be.
Jesus  got up early  to do nothing else but to pray,You are reading this and You wake up in the middle of the night or even early in the morning but the first thing You think about is going through Your phone to see who texted and who is online but what You should be doing is talking to God because that's the time where there are no interruptions it's just You and Him and no one else.Its good to have friends but sometimes we can't think in a crowd,sometimes we can't hear God where there is noise which is why we should make time for God and only him.

Everyone has their own relationship with God and while many people don't show it or talk about it,they do have time for God and they pray.So while You're  busy checking out the new trends and thinking about what  You can  do to fit  in, People are busy building encounters with God,they are busy prioritising and finding themselves through Christ.

Think about what has been hindering You from being with Christ, who is making noise,what's taking Your attention and take a step.Have that alone time with God,Pray like never betore and You'll  see God showing off.

Stay blessed and protected❤

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