It's Been Too Long

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Severus sat at the desk in his dimly lit classroom, scribbling away at the papers he was grading. He tried to finish them hastily, eager to finish the task so he could return home to his waiting wife. The weekend was approaching, and he and his wife had made a spur of the moment decision to take a weekend trip to the small bed and breakfast in France they had stopped at on their honeymoon travels a couple years back. With their newborn daughter now in the mix, the last couple of months for them had been busy and stressful. It was thanks to the kindness of Harry and Ginny who had offered to take baby Leona for the weekend; allowing Severus and Hermione to travel.

He glanced at the clock and realized that dinner in the great hall had already ended and he huffed, knowing he would have to summon a house elf once he was done. He needed to put something in his stomach before he left.

"If some of these dunderheads could do better on this homework, I'd be able to leave early to come home to my beautiful witch sooner!" he hissed to himself.

He returned his thoughts to the papers in front of him, ridding his mind of the frustrating third year students who were costing him time at home so he could finish quicker. It was silent for several minutes until he was disturbed by a knock on his classroom door.

For the love of Merlin, who is bothering me at this hour?!

"Enter," he spat loudly, the annoyance and frustration in his voice clear. "And make it quick!' He finished, aggressively waving his wand to fling the dungeon door open.

He brought his head back down to the paperwork, that signature scowl plastered across his face as he scribbled away with the red ink. He was oblivious to who his visitor was, too irritated at this point to even care.


"What seems to have you so on edge, Professor?" He heard that soft, soothing, all too familiar voice coo at him.

Severus froze mid-writing and slowly brought his head up, meeting the loving gaze of his wife. His Hermione.

"Hermione...?" he said surprised, eying her in the professional yet still fetching number she was wearing.

Hermione was known in the Ministry for rarely wearing wizarding robes. She always felt more comfortable wearing her muggle business attire for work, but it didn't bother Severus one bit, he thought she looked enticing every time she decided to do so.

Hermione was wearing a deep emerald polyester pencil skirt, ruched with a small slit to the side. She had one of her favourite white blouses tucked into her skirt, and the sleeves rolled up to her elbows.

The black stilettos accentuated her calf muscles, and Severus took her in with a fire in his obsidian eyes, looking at her from bottom to top slowly, ending to see that smirk on her face that teased him to no end.

Sweet Circe... Severus internally said with a gulp.

"Surprise." she said, the most mischievous smirk on her face, the look in her eyes making his cock twitch.

"What are you doing here? I told you I was going to be home this evening, you're not supposed to be here outside of visiting hours, Hermione." Severus hissed, swinging the classroom door closed with a wave of his wand again, the bang of the door echoing throughout the room.

Hermione moved closer and perched herself atop the brown wooden desk, crossing her legs and placing her hands on her hips, but still unable to hide the smirk from her lips.

"Severus Snape!" She replied in a higher pitched voice, trying to sound agitated and offended, but Severus knew better than to think she was actually being serious. "I would expect a better greeting for your wife than that."

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