Chapter 2

797 54 48

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Listen to this melody, it's beautiful and just amazing, listen to it while you read if you like, you'll enjoy it trust me :)

*Third person*

"Either we finish them or they'll finish us!" Peoples voices being to fade as the chief began to talk.

"It's the only way we'll get rid of them" Stoick said sternly, his voice echoing in the room, slamming his hands on the large table of the dining hall.

"If we find the nest and destroy it, the dragons will leave. They'll find another home!" Stoick said, grabbing a dagger and pierced the home land of the dragons on the map in front of him.

"One more search, before the ice sets in"

"But sir, those ships never come back" Someone said in the crowd.

"We're vikings. It's an occupational hazard. Now who's with me?!" Stoick yelled, but no one raised their hand and stayed silent, with some people muttering about things they got to do.

"All right. Those who stay will look after Ranboo" And as soon as those words left the chiefs mouth every persons hand flew up in the air, not wanting to look after the chiefs son.

"Might as well start packing" Gobber said, taking a final swing of his drink.(I was not writing the actual line Gobber says)

"No, I need you to stay to train some new recruits" Stoick said before Gobber could get and up and leave.

"Oh, perfect. And while im busy, Ranboo can cover the stall. Molten steel razer sharp blades, lots of time to himself. What could possibly go wrong?" Gobber said, annoyed that he has to stay back, but also kinda joking with Ranboo being in his stall by himself.

"What am I going to do with him, Gobber?" Stoick said, with sadness in hid voice.

"Put him in training with the others" Gobber said, completely serious.

"No, im serious"

"So am I"

"He'd be killed before the first dragon is out of it's cage"

"Oh you don't know that" Gobber said, waving him off.

"I do, actually" Stoick said.

"No, you don't"

"No, I do"

"No, you don't!"

"Listen, you know what he's like" Stoick got up from the chair he was sitting on, which he sat down on when he first started talking to Gobber.

"From the time he could crawl, he's been... different" He said, like he was kinda disappointed.

"He doesn't listen. He has the attention span of a sparrow" Stoick continued and Gobber just continued to drink, which he's just continues to lose his tooth in the process.

"I take him fishing and he goes hunting for trolls!"

"Trolls exist! They steal your sock, but only left ones, what's with that?" Gobber said, confusion in his voice at the end. (For some reason this is always the quote I remember from Gobber-)

Stoick and Gobber continued to talk for a little while longer, ending on that Stoick would let Ranboo follow his dreams of being a dragon killer, one with the other vikings.


Birds chirped and flew in the foggy weather, Ranboo was marking down on his make shift map to find the Night Fury.

Dragons and love |BeeDuo Httyd Au!|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora