Chapter 4

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Tw- None?

*Third person*

Ranboo went where he last saw the dragon after class was finished, admiring the beautiful and now sunny forest.

He made it to the spot and bent down, grabbing a rock that was also connected to the rope.

"So... Why didn't you" He muttered to himself, analyzing it, deep in thought. He put it down and started to walk where the dragon took off.

He soon later walled through a path between some boulders, watching out for roots, rocks and sticks, and it revealed a beautiful clearing with a pond in the middle, it was absolutely breath taking, as birds chirped as they flew by.

"This was freaking stupid" Ranboo said to himself, looking down.

He noticed something, a scale. He crouched down, grabbed one, and started to analyze it. It had a bumpy and rough texture to it.

Ranboo flew back as a the giant dragon flew up and roared right past of him, almost giving him a heart attack.

He noticed the beast, claw and scratched at the rocks but can't quite reach the top and glided back down to the ground.

Ranboo stared at it, amazed, he had a wide smile on his face and decided to get a better look, and went down a little further, to a big flat spot on a boulder below, so he carefully made it down to it, slipping a bit. He watched at the dragon take off again, struggling but just couldn't take off and fly properly as it landed again, and he watched it do this over again, but he quickly took out his note book and began to draw the dragon.

After a few moments he was finished.

"Why don't you just fly away?" He questioned, as the dragon fired a plasma ball.

He noticed the tail, and then looked at the drawing and erased the other wing of the tail.

The Night Fury tried again, but ended up sideways and harshly landed on the ground in front of the pond.

A few fished went from the suffice of the water and went down back in, and that got the dragons attention, he got ready to ponce as he looked at the fish, then he stuck his head into the water, missing the fish.

Ranboo signed and let his pencil down, which immediately betrayed him, rolling down the boulder, making clicking sounds all the way down, and that got the dragon to look at him, locking eyes as they stared at each other, beautiful green eyes locking with the mismatched ones.


"Alright, where did Tubbo go wrong in the ring today?" Gobber asks everyone.

It was now dark and storming, with the casual thunder here and there.

Ranboo quietly walks in and makes his way to the others.

"I mistimed my somersault dive. It was sloppy, and threw off everything else" Tubbo replied, sounding to strict on himself, as he took a drink of water.

"Yeah that's such a 'Toby' thing for you to say" Tommy said, chuckling to himself, but immediately shut up when Tubbo gave him a death glare.

"He's right. You have to be tough on yourselves." Gobber said, until he noticed Ranboo, who was walking to the table to grab their food that was at the edge of the table.

"Now where did Ranboo go wrong Today?" Gobber asked, acknowledge Ranboo's existence as they grabbed their food. 

"Uh, They showed up" Billzo answered trying to contain his laughter.

"They didn't get eaten" Tommy replied after Bill, trying to also contain his laughter, as Ranboo walked by, food in hand, to the next table to sit by themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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