Chapter 4: Kai

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He awoke to the unpleasant shock of ice and cold water hitting his face, and he sat up suddenly, gasping. By the light of the pale dawn, he saw Cinder's silhouette against the window. "What was that for?" he spluttered, wiping his face with the hem of his shirt. He looked up, catching Cinder's eyes. Their gazes locked for several seconds, then an impatient cough made Kai break away, embarrassed.  

Thorne stepped out of the shadows, his hand at his belt, where three tranquilizing guns were hanging. Tossing one to Kai, who fumbled to catch it, he stepped over to where Cinder was still standing, red-faced. "We're going to see Artemisia for ourselves," Thorne explained to Kai. "Cinder's part of the Order, anyways; she'll need to know more about Luna." He unhooked another traquilizing gun, then tossed a small, cardboard box to Kai. He neatly caught it this time, the cold hilt hitting his palm. Opening it up, he saw the familiar glint of tranquilizer darts, and he winced at the memory of one piercing his skin. 

Cinder spoke again, her voice unsure. "We're not positive how the Lunar citizens will react to us. Ever since the Order was created..." Her voice grew faint, and she seemed to shake her doubts away. "Anyways, we're just going to explore the city a bit." The dawn light made her dark hair almost seem silver. She swung one leg out the window, holding on by the ledge. "You coming by window or stairs?" she asked, her expression almost jokingly daring. 

"Window," Kai responded immediately. He was not afraid of heights; being up high on a podium speaking to a whole country had cured that, especially when he looked down and saw the desperate faces of his citizens. He joined Cinder at the window, noting how comfortable she seemed, although she was about to climb 20 stories below. "Why are we doing this again?"

Cinder pulled him up onto the ledge, and pointed. "You see that?"

He squinted, and in the morning fog he could make out the faint outline of a cluster of buildings, colorful lights in their midst. "Yeah?"
"That's AR-4, Artemisia's most renowned... shopping center." Cinder's lips were tinged with a faint smile. "It's your style, I'd guess. Silks, velvets, and stuff like that." She turned back to Thorne. "Window or stairs?"

Thorne lifted the third tranquilizer gun out of its holster, with a wry grimace as the gesture strained his sore arm. "Stairs.I still need to get Wolf... Meet you back at AR-4." He cocked the gun and lifted it to his ear, checking if it still had darts in it. 

Cinder nodded at him and looked back at Kai. "You ready for this?"
"No, seriously," Kai pressed, curiosity lighting like a flame,"Why are we doing this?"

Cinder grinned, daring and sly as she peered at Kai out of the corner of her eye. "Because, Your Highness," she smirked,"this way is faster." Then, swinging her other leg off the ledge, she hooked a rope to the edge of the window, laced it around her waist, and jumped. Kai scrambled to the edge of the window, his heart in his throat. He spun on Thorne, who was heading for the door. "What did she just do?" 

"Jumped off a twenty story building, Your Majesty," Thorne grinned, the smile not quite reaching his eyes. "Kai, you do know that she has a rope that has been approved sturdy attached to the window, right?" 

"Why can't she just take..the...stai-"

"Look outside, Kai. The monarchy may be over, but guards are still determined to follow Cinder around everywhere. This'll shake them off." He leaned back on his heels, satisfied. "I mean-have you seen the security measures the guards take? Frankly, I'm not surprised she jumped out a window." He tossed Kai a rope,that separated into different parts at one end and had a hook at the other. 

Kai caught it obediently, stretching it experimentally. "Are you sure about this?"

Thorne rolled his eyes. "Kai, we don't have all day." 

Kai linked the hook to the inside of the window, tugging on it to make sure it stayed. That hook could mean the difference between his life and death. He took the separated rope and tied it around his waist. Taking a deep breath, he looked outside the window, then bravely swung both legs across the window and heaved himself out. 

Thorne rushed to the window, his face etched with worry. "You're not going to throw up, are you?"

"N-no," Kai murmured, holding on to the side of the window by the tips of his fingers, his teeth chattering in the cold that suddenly seemed even colder. "But this-this is a bit more extreme than I-" he broke off as his fingers let go and he dropped, faster and faster. The sky seemed to speed past him, and he strangely felt exhiliration at his fall. He knew he wasn't going to be hurt, and a shout of joy escaped as he saw the twentieth floor get further and further. Soon, the window where Thorne watched him was just a blob in his vision, and as he neared the ground, he felt... sadness that it was over? Kai touched the ground, untying the laces around him as his feet broke into a run. Seeing the tall buildings of AR-4, he neared the edge and gazed around in wonder.

AR-4 was just like home. Though Kai had always loathed wearing the fancy clothing he was required to wear, he felt a hint of nostalgia. He should have been in the Eastern-Commonwealth, tending to his own country. Not meddling in Luna. Kai stopped running, kicking up dust as he paused. THis wasn't where he should be. He shouldn't have jumped out of that window, despite how fun it had been. He had to benefit the Commonwealth. And, it wasn't as if their efforts were helping much in Luna. The Order didn't have the influence it was supposed to.

For the first time, Kai began having seious doubts about what they were doing in Luna. 


Thanks to all my amazing readers! You are awesome!

Comment below for a shoutout and dedication in my next chapter... Bye!

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