Chapter 17: Thorne

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I missed the Thorne POVs, so here it is:)

Word Goal Today: 2000. Let's try this.


Thorne lay, unable to sleep. The note he had found yesterday kept nagging at him, like a thorn in his side that he couldn't get out. The shadows dancing across the ceiling were shapeless, flowing like liquid night. He couldn't keep his eyes shut-every time he did, images of Cress being locked up haunted him, until he finally sat up, giving up all attempts to step into sleep. The note was tucked under the lamp on his bedside table, and he unfolded it again. The edges were already torn and worn thin, from the number of times he had unfolded the familiar creases. He could almost memorize the exact words, imagining the writer-K.Y., whoever that was-penning the words to Thaumaturge Elixes.

He remembered the thaumaturge from what Wolf had told him. She was now devoted to the Order, and was on their side. But this letter begged to differ. If she was really sending new recruits to the enemy, then she would have to be interrogated.

Thorne stepped out of his room into the hallway, abandoning sleep for good. If he couldn't close his eyes, then he could work. Since he couldn't do anything useful, he might as well learn something useful. Thorne headed to the library.

The light in the library was still on, and he was just about to wonder who was there when Scarlet leaned out from behind a bookshelf, her head bowed and her fingers skimming through a book. She turned and ran into him, the book flying out of her hands. "Thorne?" Her eyes filled with shock at first, then became guarded. "What are you doing here?"

Thorne ignored her and caught the book, spine up. "Gardening as a Lunar? Really?"

Scarlet's cheeks flushed, and she looked away. "Planting on Luna is a bit different. Moon dust has no gardening qualities." She snatched it back from him. "None of your business, anyways. Why are you here?"

He hesitated, then handed the letter to her, holding his breath. Her unsure hands took it from him, her eyes scrutinizing under the glare of the library light.

"This is useless." Scarlet growled, finishing the note,"there's nothing here that we don't already know."

"Thaumaturge Elixes-"

"Thorne, don't be stupid. Did you really think we would trust any of the thaumaturges after what they did for Levana?"

Thorne realized that Scarlet was completely right. They would have been foolish to allow any of the thaumaturges close to the Order at all. "Well, we know that Cress and Jacin are still alive, at least."

She handed the paper back to him. "Probably the only useful thing in that letter of yours. I'll get Cinder to talk to Elixes later." She sighed, and days of exhaustion seemed to weigh on her. "She's been out all day looking for Kai."

Thorne felt a stabbing sense of regret. Since Cress had disappeared, he hadn't even stopped to talk to Cinder, not even once. What did the princess think now? Or was she too immersed in finding Kai to care?

He pushed away his guilt, and stood tall, drawing back his shoulders. "Has she found anything yet?"

Scarlet hesitated, clearly torn between whether to tell him or to keep her mouth shut. "No, but... she's found signs of the enemies' headquarters." Her hands fluttered nervously around her head. "She doesn't want anyone to know-she says she's going to investigate it tomorrow."

Thorne could barely keep himself from running out of the library in search of the headquarters himself, and he gulped loudly, trying to contain himself. "Good luck to her, then," he coughed.

Scarlet nodded, her eyes thoughtful. "I'll be surprised if she finds him, but Cinder can do anything."
"Right," He agreed, swallowing his apprehension. "Do you... Mind if I, um..." He motioned to the tables and then the door. Scarlet's eyes darkened, and Thorne was about to ask why when she nodded again and ran out the door.
He sighed, sitting down and flattening the note on the wood. The light from above illuminated the crumpled paper.
Third, some enemies have been recently convicted. On a recent raid of the palace, we captured the shell and the guard that is part of their cause. Nothing much about them is decided yet, but they are imprisoned at one of our safe locations.
He ran his finger under the words, murmuring them under his breath. The words were just enough for him to paint a picture of Cress right now in his head.

Thorne picked up a portscreen next to him, noticing the title already on the screen. 10 Ways to Deal with Dangerous Situations, the words neatly printed on the illuminated surface. He tapped through it, flicking through the pages eagerly. Yet, to his disappointment, none of the words seemed to reassure him at all. He went through the entire selection until his eyes burnt from constantly glancing at the screen, and he almost threw the portscreen away when he gave up. His knees were weak when he got up, and when he looked outside he realized the sun was already up, lighting up the surface of the moon. It was already time for breakfast.. Another day, more searching in vain.

Since he was already awake, he decided to go to breakfast this morning. The smells of bread and cake led him through the palace until he reached the dining hall, the near empty room occupied by only Winter, who was accepting a slice of cake from the cooks and a cup of milk. She looked awake and alert, and Thorne watched jealously as she sat down and dug into the cake.

Winter seemed so carefree and oblivious to what was happening around her. He swallowed down the envy as he walked past her, taking a plate from the counter and piling it up with some bread and cookies. When he was at the end of the snack line, his plate was towering with food, he had no doubt he would finish.
Gazing around the nearly empty dining hall, Thorne sighed and finally scooted next to Winter on the nearby bench. "Hey."
She looked up, surprise lighting up in her eyes like twin fireworks when she saw him."Thorne! What are you..." Her words trailed off as she stared openly at him. "You're... Here."
He shoved his tray onto the table, some loaves of bread falling off of it. Picking them up, he shoved a sandwich into his mouth. "Mhm."
She gaped at him. "You're never here."
Her words sent a small pang of remorse through his heart. She was right-he was never at the palace much anymore, and of he was then he was off doing something alone. Setting down the rest of the bread, with his mouth still half full, Thorne mumbled,"Sorry."
She gazed at him in an almost reprimanding way this time, and Thorne could swear he heard sadness in her small voice as she replied,"It's all right."

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