Chapter 9: The Truth at Last

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As always, not my anime, not my characters, just my fanfiction.

Warnings: graphic death descriptions, talk of suicide, descriptions of fighting


"NO, 16002!" shouted Misaka as she threw Shirai to the floor and covered her with her body. "Tell them not to shoot!"

Silence again for a moment. Everyone watched in horror.

"Misaka 16002 regrets her actions Misaka 16002 says sadly. Misaka Sisters wanted to protect Big Sister by eliminating threat to her freedom, Misaka 16002 says in explanation."

Shirai realized that Misaka might have just saved her life.

"Please tell whoever is on sniper overwatch that my friends are no threat to me. If they decide to arrest me, I will go with them. No Sister is to interfere, please."

Definitely saved her life... .50 Cal BMG? Kuroko remembered something her Anti-Skill trainer told her once, "You never hear the one that has your name on it." She shivered.

Misaka stood back up and gave Shirai her hand to help her to her feet.

"It's...ok, actually it's not ok to shoot my friends, but your heart was in the right place Misaka 16002. Just don't do it again, please."

"Misaka 16002, Misaka 10032, and Misaka 15325 apologize states Misaka 16002 to Shirai-san. Misaka 10032 also states Misaka 10032 is glad her reaction time was delayed by 0.3 seconds adds Misaka 16002 forthrightly."

Everyone sweat dropped.

"Please tell all Sisters not to shoot my friends."

"Misaka 16002 has relayed the message. Misaka Worst is laughing in a disturbing way, Misaka 16002 reports."

Misaka just sighed and sat back down on the sofa next to Index. Shirai sat back down next to her, looking anxiously at Misaka 16002. 16002 looked relaxed; she re-engaged the safety on her weapon.

Misaka thought for a moment, then got back to her feet and walked over to Uiharu and Saten. She crouched down next to Uiharu and looked her in the eyes. "Uiharu," Misaka said, taking Uiharu's hands in to hers, "You have to promise me you won't try to do any hacking or searching to look into this. Please. Promise me! You don't know what they still might do; you would just...disappear, and we would never know what happened to you!"

Uiharu looked startled, and then frightened. She slowly nodded.

Misaka next set her sights on Saten and took Saten's hands in hers. "Saten same thing! No posting on boards; no trying to see Urban Legends. No posting rumors to see if anyone responds. You have no idea how frightened I am for all of you just to tell you this even today. Please promise me!"

Moved by Misaka's obvious fear for her and Uiharu, Saten replied, "I won't, Misaka-san, I promise!"

Misaka looked them both in the eyes again and then nodded. She went back to sit by Shirai and Index.

"OK, now you know why I couldn't tell you. Now I'll tell you my biggest mistake, that killed fifty more of my Sisters..."

"Misaka!" said Index sternly.

"Misaka 16002 states clearly that no Sister holds Big Sister responsible for any deaths. Sisters were made to be killed in that fashion, Misaka 16002 explains."

Shirai, Saten and Uiharu stared in horror at 16002. Misaka started crying again.


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