Chapter 13: I Kissed a Girl...

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Another short chapter as I get close to wrapping this story up. This chapter should provide closure to some things and move towards others.

My usual I don't own this anime or characters, I'm just a fanfiction writer, doing his best to keep people interested in his writings...

Thanks to everyone who wrote in, I love hearing from you. As always, not my artwork either!


"Yes, Mikoto-chan?"

"So soon?"

"I want to be there when my little girl gets married and this is my only chance, if you want to do this, it has to be now."

Misaka looked at Index. Index nodded. Misaka stood up, took Index by the hand, and helped her stand. Misaka grabbed the envelope off the table and bowed to her parents. "Father, Mother, we accept your help and your gracious offer of the apartment for us both. Let us go and make this marriage official."

Misaka looked at her parents who were making no effort to stand up. Her Mother looked at her fondly, then turned to her Father and kissed him lightly and said, "I told you she would do it."

Her Father beamed at Misaka and then looked at her Mother and said, "I never doubted it; this was to prove it to herself."

Misaka looked from her Mom to her Dad, confused. "What?"

Her Mother pulled a *much* larger file envelope out of her purse and motioned the two girls to sit back down. She handed the file to Misaka's Dad.

"This is the paperwork for your Mother and I to officially adopt our new daughter into the family, bringing us one closer to a total of ten thousand," he said with a grin.

"But Papa, the Marriage? The Apartment?"

"Well, if you would rather do that, the paperwork is there..."

"But why?"

"Mikoto-chan, I'm not the best Father to you. I'm hardly ever here. I miss all your important events. I'm sure you feel like you hardly know me. Call me a fool, but I just wanted us to both be sure. But there is still one other person I need to ask."

He turned to Index. "Index-chan, will you be kind enough to honor my Wife and I and join our family as Mikoto's Sister?"

"Otōsan! Okaasan!" Index cried as she jumped up and ran to give them both hugs. "Finally, I have a Mother and Father!"

Misaka's Father did something on his cell phone and a moment later a man came to their table. "Misaka-sama?"

"Yes, we are ready to sign, Judge. Please have a seat."

In ten minutes Misaka's parents and Index signed a large number of documents which the Judge then counter signed and sealed. Index received a Birth Certificate listing her birthday as the one on her Passport and the Judge said he would forward her Japanese Passport and other documents to Misaka's dorm room; meanwhile she had temporary ID that allowed her to be in Academy City and Japan. Suddenly Misaka had a new Sister.

"Index! You're Legal!" The two girls hugged happily. "Mama, Papa, I cannot thank you enough!" Misaka went to her parents and gave them both a hug and kiss, taking time to give her Dad an extra strong hug.

"Index, do you want to go to school and get an education?" asked her new Mom.

Index thought deeply for a moment. "But I am not an Esper, would I be accepted into a school here?"

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