Ronan: Balancing Game

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It is currently 3:13 AM and currently in my arms was my wife as I carried her to bed. Kate was exhausted, we had just gotten home from one of the most exhausting missions ever. We left the weird role-play man taking care of the kids whom I haven't checked on

"alright, there you go Эйас" I whispered giving her a small kiss on the forehead after setting her down on the bed "Sticky and the other guy, where are my boys?"

"In their room" Spider boy said nervously

"Pete, you're shaking..." I raised an eyebrow at the boy "I swear to god if the weird guy let something happen to them..."

"Yelena, wait no- i- it wasn't his fault"


"Lyon is still there-"


"Listen Yelena Grills tried, Lyon said they knocked him out with a blast of some sort. I have a couple villains out for me and I'm sure Kate does too we can narrow it down, I promise. Grills and I will stay with Lyon and if it makes you feel better I can call in a couple super-powered friends" my breaths were heavy my body was shaking my heart was racing, tears rolling down my face. "Yelena?"

"Yeah call your hero friends and have someone in the living room please"

"I will, get some sleep, Belova"

"night Parker"

he walked out and I laid in bed crying. Kate was gonna wake up to the news that our son is gone. You really can never have anything free of consequence. it's like that history quote Kate was telling me she learned in middle school "Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains". I couldn't just let kate sleep through this, I have to wake her up

"Kate, Katie... проснись, детка" I said through small sobs lightly shaking my wife

"mmm Baby?" she opened her eyes slightly

"Katie, he's gone, they took him..." my tears began to flow more

"Wh- who"

"Ronan, они забрали нашего мальчика, Kate" Kate's eyes opened fully wide, she gulped

"What about Lyon?"

"with Peter and Grills, Peter said he was going to bring over some more people to help keep him safe. He said Grills tried to fight for Ronan but he got blasted according to Lyon"

"I- it doesn't make sense Yelena, why Ronan and not Lyon"

"I don't know, they must be targeting their emotional attachment to each other, Lyon adores his little brother. It's all a scheme to draw us in"

"who would do such a thing?" Kate breathed a sharp breath

"Someone after either, You, Parker or someone seeking revenge on my sister."

"Or Clint"

"Or all of the above" Clint bursts into our room "My youngest is gone too"


He nodded "we think it's multiple people ganging up against us"

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