Ronan: My mother's eyes

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Is it my fault? I thought to myself as I laid in bed. I'm surprised my moms haven't screamed at me and blamed it all on me—That's what I was always used to before I was adopted from the Dark solider program. Mama's been with me all day and still she's sitting on the floor leaning on my bed while Mom was asleep on her lap. Uncle Grills in a sleeping bag on the floor. Uncle Barton was sleeping in the rocking chair next to Ronan's bed and uncle Pete was hanging from the ceiling like a bat, still awake, reading a book.

"mama, go to sleep please" I pleaded knowing my mother had been exhausted from researching criminal record all day 

"Lyon? What are you doing still awake?" she asked

"Мама why do you insist on protecting me?" I asked sort of impulsively

"Ly, you're my son, I adopted you because I know what it feels like. I know what it's like to be robbed of your childhood and after taking down the Dark Soldier program the scared look in yours and Ronan's eyes shattered me, and I begged your mom let me take you guys home just for a bit but we began to see you two as our sons and ultimately decided to adopt you guys"

"I feel like it was my fault they took him. W- was it?" I heard her sigh softly

"It's not anyone's fault Ronan is gone. That I found out after a lot of thinking... sometimes your emotions can cloud your judgement and I need you to be aware of that, because tomorrow morning, I'm gonna give you something and I never would've thought you would be ready for it at this age but you are. You, Lyon Derek Bishop-Belova are ready to help out your moms and uncles. .... But in order to do that tomorrow, you need to go to sleep."

"I'll try" I promised

"goodnight Ястреб-Паук"



I smiled to myself and closed my eyes as I drifted to sleep. Yet I still wonder what it would be like to see myself from my mother's eyes.

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